Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2871 Liu Rushi’s point of view

A Zhu was so anxious that he couldn't stop: "Miss, look, the summons document from the court! We just returned to the imperial capital, why is there a court looking for trouble? Do you think it could be Xiao Ning, that little prostitute, who is secretly giving us A stumbling block?"

Liu Rushi opened the letter and said softly: "No, Xiao Ning is a member of Ye Yuan's family. She won't do anything to me, and she doesn't look like a bad girl..."

A Zhu pouted: "Miss, you are kind-hearted, and everyone is a good person. I think that little prostitute looks like a vixen, and she is full of evil intentions to seduce Young Master Bai..."

Liu Rushi opened the summons document, looked at it with an eyebrow, and said casually: "Ye Yuan is so outstanding, it is understandable that she has admiration when she is by his side..."

A Zhu was worried to death for Liu Rushi: "Miss, she doesn't just worship you, she wants to steal your man! That shameless little prostitute must be able to do anything. Instead of waiting for her to assassinate you, We, it’s better for us to strike first…”

Liu Rushi scolded lightly: "Don't mess around, A-Zhu, I know you are good for me, but I don't want to fight..."

A Zhu's heart froze, he wanted to fight for Liu Rushi's injustice, what could he do if he didn't fight?

Even if you don’t fight for it, Miss, our subordinates will still plan for you and fight for you to be the mistress of the Bai family!

A Zhu was thinking silently in his heart, and heard Liu Rushi sigh: "This is a case I handled twenty years ago. Someone just wanted to overturn the case. He was a little-known lawyer who instigated the defendant to file a retrial lawsuit. . It doesn’t matter, I can solve it by going to court.”

A Zhu dissuaded: "Miss, how noble your status is, what qualifications do those poor people have to ask you to appear in court for such a trivial matter? Just ignore them,"

Liu Rushi said calmly: "It's okay. Anyway, Ye Yuan is away on a business trip recently, and I have to do something."

After a pause, she said earnestly: "Azhu, do you know what is the most important thing for our Liu family to return to the imperial capital to develop their careers this time?"

A Zhu scratched his head: "What is it? Money? Or connections?"

Liu Rushi shook her head: "I have no shortage of money; we have the support of the Bai family for connections. The most important thing for us is a momentum! An opportunity for everyone to see, remember, and value the Liu family. "

A Zhu still didn't understand: "Miss, last time our Liu Law Firm opened, didn't we invite a lot of celebrities and reporters to promote it, and Mr. Bai was also present to cut the ribbon and was even featured in the financial news. Wasn't it very popular?"

Liu Rushi smiled slightly: "That doesn't count. I don't know how many opening news there are in the imperial capital every day. People will forget about it after seeing it, and won't remember it at all. Those who come to support are just to support, It won’t help our business. This is not the momentum I want.”

What's more, the last ribbon-cutting news had a very good effect.

However, Bai Yeyuan stopped it. Not only did he withdraw all follow-up news midway, but he also coldly said that he would never promote the Liu family in the future.

This blow is a bit big.

A-Zhu was embarrassed: "Miss, A-Zhu is stupid and doesn't understand what you are saying."

Liu Rushi patiently pointed to the court summons document: "To put it simply. The momentum I want is a major case that can shock the industry, and a case that is enough to make everyone in the imperial capital talk about it. No one needs me. If you spend a penny, you will volunteer to help me spread the reputation of Liu Law Firm! And now, this opportunity has come!"

A Zhu suddenly realized: "Miss, you are saying that this case can help us increase our reputation? But...but isn't this case a small case? The lawyer is also a little-known lawyer?"

Ah Zhu still doesn't quite understand how such an inconspicuous little case deserves the prestige of their Liu family.

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