Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2875 Xiao Ning’s domineering voice

Remember in one second, wonderful free reading!

Xiao Ning glanced around and had a bad feeling in her heart.

Could it be that Liu Rushi knocked Zheng Shaogang unconscious so that he could not leave the court?

She really should have taken precautions earlier and asked Zheng Shaogang to be careful about his personal safety.

However, being knocked unconscious was not the worst thing. What she was most worried about now was that Zheng Shaogang couldn't stand the fierce attacks from the media. Amidst the overwhelming slanderous news, he retreated and did not even dare to appear in court.

She took out her cell phone and made a call.

The phone rang for a long time before a decadent male voice answered slowly: "Hello?"

Half an hour ago, in the taxi, although Zheng Shaogang was taciturn, he was not as decadent as he was now.

Xiao Ning's heart sank.

Sure enough, the worst happened.

"Zheng Shaogang, why haven't you come to the court yet!"

Zheng Shaogang groaned for a long time and then said: "My mother was in the hospital just now. When she saw the news about me, she was so angry that she almost fainted. She scolded me for being a heartless person and scolding me for not spending twenty When what happened in the year was revealed again, she said that in the end it was the poor who suffered, and I didn’t end well..."

Of course, the old lady also scolded someone even worse.

She said that Zheng Shaogang became famous all over the country by doing this, and his reputation was completely ruined. In the future, no girl would marry him, and the Zheng family would have no descendants.

Xiao Ning's lips twitched a few times, thinking speechlessly that this old lady was really holding her son back.

I am afraid that public opinion will not allow my son to appear in court, and I am afraid that negative comments on TV will affect my son's life. Aren't I afraid that my son will live in shame for the rest of his life?

However, it is the problem of the elderly that they are confused. Why is Zheng Shaogang, a grown man, so timid and calculating?

I really hate that iron cannot become steel!

Her voice was a little colder: "Zheng Shaogang, were you slandered back then, with a bucket of shit put on your head? You spent several years in jail for nothing, lost your job, lost your face, and lost your life. , don’t you know?”

Zheng Shaogang felt uncomfortable: "I know..."

Xiao Ning's tone became more serious: "Now that you know, why are you afraid of those gossips? Why are you afraid of the old lady being angry? Have you ever thought about where you failed as a man? Being fooled around by a middle school student, being An old lady loses her principles after just a few words of scolding. Are you still a man? Remember, you are not living for others, but for yourself. You must live with your waist straight! Not on your knees!"

Zheng Shaogang was speechless and his face was filled with shame.

He thought that he was the one who begged this female lawyer to file a lawsuit in the first place, and now he was the one who backed down. This was a shame.


The overwhelming public opinion really put a lot of pressure on him...

Xiao Ning's domineering voice came to my ears again: "If you want to be such a loser for the rest of your life, then don't come here!"

With a click, Xiao Ning hung up the phone decisively.

There was no intention of trying to persuade him sincerely.

Zheng Shaogang held the phone blankly for a long time.

The last words Xiao Ning left echoed in her ears.

Do you want to be a loser for the rest of your life?

don't want!

He took a deep breath, jumped up from the utility room of the hospital, and ran outside...

in court.

Less than a minute until trial begins.

The judge was already sitting upright in his seat, raising his gavel, ready to announce the opening of the court.

Liu Rushi looked at the empty dock opposite and said nothing.

Kelly, on the other hand, glanced at her with disdain and said to Liu Rushi: "Lawyer Liu, your public opinion offensive is really powerful. That loser Zheng Shaogang is probably too frightened to come at all! He won't come. , this case has been abandoned directly, and you still want to reverse the case? Haha!"

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