Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2877 Xiao Ning was slapped in the face in court! 【Cool】

Zheng Shaogang looked at Xiao Ning with some despair.

Xiao Ning glanced at him angrily: "What are you looking at? I'm not like you, who will slip up at the critical moment!"

As she spoke, she calmly walked forward to the judge and handed a piece of paper: "This is my lawyer's qualification certificate. Please take a look at it."

Your Honor was a little surprised.

He remembered Xiao Ning, a girl who had defended and represented several major cases as an intern.

Is she actually a lawyer now?

When I unfolded the qualification certificate, I saw that, sure enough, I had just passed the bar qualification examination this fall and winter!

He sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect your grades to be so good. This score should be one of the best in this year's national bar qualification examination, right? You are well deserved, and you will be formidable, Lawyer Xiao Ning!"

Xiao Ning said modestly: "Please give me some advice."

The entire auditorium was stunned.

The best score in this year’s national bar qualification examination?

Isn’t that equivalent to being the number one scholar or second in the rankings in ancient times?

I heard that generally only male lawyers are capable of obtaining this kind of result. It seems that this female lawyer is extraordinary!

Everyone was unconsciously in awe of Xiao Ning.

Liu Rushi was completely stunned.

A few minutes ago, the information from A Zhu showed that Xiao Ning was an intern. How come in the blink of an eye, this girl had a formal lawyer qualification certificate?

Moreover, the test scores were so high that even she couldn't achieve it back then, and could only fall behind.

Is this girl actually so good?

Had she known this, she would never have taken the initiative to ask for her lawyer's license to be verified on the spot. Wouldn't this be giving free publicity to the other party, which would be detrimental to herself?

In the first round of fighting, he was defeated in such a defeated manner!

At this moment, the most shocked person in the audience was Zheng Shaogang.

He looked at Xiao Ning who had just returned and said blankly: "Lawyer E, you, why are you called Xiao Ning? Do you and Xiao Ning, the famous lawyer in Zhuo Xiaoying's case, have the same pronunciation but different words..."

Xiao Ning rolled her eyes at him: "Idiot. I am Xiao Ning, and I am the only Xiao Ning in the world! e is my English name!"


Xiao Ning.

Zheng Shaogang repeated these two names several times, and suddenly realized that they were really similar syllables. He had never thought of them.

He became excited: "Lawyer Xiao Ning, I am lucky enough to have you defend me. You will definitely help me win the case, right? I will be as lucky as Zhuo Xiaoying to reverse the case, right?"

Xiao Ning glared at him: "You won't scold me now?"

Zheng Shaogang choked.

Then his face turned red to the root of his neck, and he became cautious: "I'm sorry, Lawyer Xiao Ning, I was out of my mind at first and cursed in the street without understanding the facts. Now I know I was wrong... I... I kowtow to you. Can you apologize..."

Having said that, this honest man really wanted to kneel down in court and apologize.

Xiao Ning stopped him speechlessly: "We'll wait until we win the case! What you have to do now is to be more confident! In the next court hearing, no matter what tricks the other party comes up with, don't be afraid. You don't dare to come to court for a temporary retreat like today. I definitely don’t want to see this behavior a second time!”

Zheng Shaogang: "I understand, Lawyer Xiao Ning! I promise to listen to you!"

At this moment, he looked at Xiao Ning with eyes that were filled with reverence and complete conviction.

This made Xiao Ning feel a little uncomfortable - Hey, you, an uncle in his forties, are looking at me with such admiration. This girl feels very uncomfortable, okay?

After dealing with the lack of self-confidence Zheng Shaogang, Xiao Ning couldn't help but think that Bai Yeyuan finally did something valuable - taking the bar qualification examination for her, and he also got the qualification certificate with high scores.

If it weren't for Bai Yeyuan, I'm afraid it would be her who would be slapped in the face or even kicked out of the court today!

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