Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2879 Lawyer Xiao Ning is an expert at predicting events!

Under Kelly's repeated requests and coercion, Liu Rushi finally reluctantly agreed to talk to Bai Yeyuan about Xiao Ning's case outside.

Over there, Xiao Ning had finished playing the voice of Kaili showing off to the female classmates that she had tricked Zheng Shaogang.

Everyone in the audience was speechless.

If Xiao Ning's recording is true, then this woman Kelly is such a bitch.

For selfish reasons, you ruined half a man's life!

In the past, I had only heard that women were harmed by men throughout their lives, but now I have the opportunity to see men being vilified by women, which is considered a strange news.

After Xiao Ning finished her statement, the judge asked Kelly's opinion with a stern face.

Liu Rushi said calmly: "Your honor, our client hopes to find an independent and impartial third-party agency to jointly verify the authenticity of the recording files with the court. Nowadays, with the advanced technology, it is very common to forge recording files..."

Zheng Shaogang, who had been silent all this time, became a little excited when he heard this: "What do you mean? Are you saying that our recording was faked? It's obviously you who faked it! It's you Liu Rushi and Kaili!"

He clenched his fists and his tone of voice changed.

This honest man will never have the chance to explode more than once in his life.

But at this moment, when he heard the other party questioning Xiao Ning's recording file, he couldn't help it. He knew very well that it was the hard information that Xiao Ning's lawyer had obtained!

Faced with Zheng Shaogang's question, Liu Rushi smiled softly: "Mr. Zheng, don't get excited. I just suggested an appraisal. I have no intention of judging your authenticity. After all, the authenticity of the final recording file depends on professionals." That’s the final word, right?”

Liu Rushi's eloquent conversation and gentle and peaceful attitude won the praise of the jury present - this female lawyer has a very good temperament and is neither impatient nor impatient!

Her performance finally saved a little face for Kelly's side.

Zheng Shaogang still wanted to argue, but this time he was stopped by Xiao Ning: "There is no need to argue with her, she also knows that this recording must be true."

Zheng Shaogang looked at Xiao Ning stupidly, unable to react: "Ah? Then why...she still needs someone to identify her?"

Xiao Ning narrowed her eyes: "Because she wants to delay."


After Liu Rushi proposed the idea of ​​identification, the judge nodded: "This is new evidence, and it does need identification. It is fairer to have a third party participate. In this case, we have to adjourn the court temporarily today. After the identification results come out, we will continue Let’s continue hearing the case!”

Liu Rushi showed a satisfied smile and bought some time to breathe so that she could make more efforts on the case.

Zheng Shaogang woke up from a dream and couldn't help but admire Xiao Ning even more: "Lawyer Xiao Ning, you really know things like a god..."

Xiao Ning wanted to hit him on the head: "What's so magical? Even a human can see this!"

Zheng Shaogang rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "I'm too stupid, too stupid..."

Xiao Ning glanced at him angrily and did not hurt him again.

This man can't be said to be too stupid. I can only say that he has no scheming and a lack of guarding against others.

After the trial, Zheng Shaogang coyly offered to treat Xiao Ning to dinner, but Xiao Ning knocked on the forehead: "You have money, why don't you save the cost of your old mother's surgery? You can eat whatever you want! I'll go home and look at the files." Come on! Don’t run around. Just stay at home these days and pay attention to your personal safety, do you understand?"

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