Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2891: Using car accidents to attack opponents

After many days, the case between Kaili and Zheng Shaogang came to court again.

This time, what surprised the jury and the judge was that Kelly was in a wheelchair when she appeared in court!

But a week ago, this woman was still full of energy and full of energy, blaming the man who had "been stronger" than her back then.

At this moment, she was covered in bandages, as if she were in mourning, and her eyes had lost focus. With Liu Rushi's help, she could barely push her wheelchair to appear in court.

How miserable!

Liu Rushi's face was no longer as smiling as in the last court session. She was a little sad. Even when she answered the judge's case, her tone was a little soft.

"Your Honor, we have no new evidence to provide for the time being. However, the recent coverage of our client in newspapers has been overwhelming, and our client's privacy has been exposed. This has caused our client to be in a trance and suffer a great mental shock. He even went home Unfortunately, I was hit by a car on the road and almost died. Although I was lucky enough to save my life, my beautiful appearance and figure no longer exist. It's a pity, it's sad..."

Liu Rushi stated sadly, and her tone rose slightly at the end: "I implore your honor to identify the initiator of spreading rumors, and implore the court to give a severe punishment to the mastermind behind such casual disclosure of the case!"

Although Liu Rushi's voice was soft, every word she spoke contained strength, and she even asked the judge to hold him accountable. Although she didn't say it explicitly, anyone who wasn't a fool could tell that she was referring to Zheng Shaogang!

It was the news rumors spread by Zheng Shaogang that led to Kaili's tragic situation!

After hearing this, Xiao Ning couldn't help but let out a sarcastic smile of "I knew it was so".

Sure enough, Liu Rushi released such a large-scale news report just to make a fuss in court!

But she still underestimated Liu Rushi.

Liu Rushi not only wanted to win sympathy from the judge and jury, but also wanted to use this incident to directly convict Zheng Shaogang - because she attributed the cause of Kelly's car accident to being stimulated by news reports. !

In this way, there is a chain of cause and effect between Zheng Shaogang and Kaili's car accident.

How brilliant!

If Xiao Ning and Liu Rushi were not two opposing parties in the same case, Xiao Ning would really like to sincerely praise Liu Rushi for making full use of all the conveniences and benefits that the law can give you.

He is indeed a successful senior lawyer.


She, Xiao Ning, looked down upon the success she had gained by using human blood steamed buns!

When the judge turned to her and Zheng Shaogang and asked them if they had any comments.

Zheng Shaogang swore nervously to Xiao Ning: "Lawyer Xiao Ning, I have never done anything. I have never done anything unconscionable in my life! And I haven't left the house these days. Until today before the trial, you They sent a car to pick me up...I even ate instant noodles with pickled mustard!"

Xiao Ning signaled him with her eyes: "Okay, no need to say anything, I know."

Immediately, his eyes fixed on the judge: "Your honor, that distorted news report not only hurt Kelly, but also hurt our client Zheng Shaogang."

Judge: "How?"

Xiao Ning: "Our client is a low-key person and never shows up. And so far he has never been interviewed by a reporter. The reporter in the report faked the interview process and made false reports. This is one of them; he molded our client into a woman who can The second is to be a lecherous person who gave up on retrying the case; the third is to make our client a fodder for people’s after-dinner chats and be troubled by public opinion. The three pressures have had a great impact on the low-key character of our client ! We also apply to the court to find out the facts, bring those behind the false reports to justice, and provide compensation!"

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