Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2896: What should I do if I take a polygraph test?

As soon as the camera came out, the judge understood!

And all the jury members present gradually understood!

When Liu Rushi accused Zheng Shaogang of molesting her, she used a very short video without sound. It seemed at the time that the content was really vile and shameless, and it made people want to convict Zheng Shaogang immediately.

At this moment, it seems that the movements and the degree of ambiguity between the two are almost exactly the same as the scene of her and Zheng Shaogang recorded by Xiao Ning just now.

The scenes recorded by Xiao Ning have been proven to be taken on purpose.

That scene recorded by Liu Rushi back I need to talk about it?

There is a great possibility that they were also filmed in a borrowed position!

Xiao Ning spoke confidently: "Your honor, the jury, I believe that everyone has eyes like a torch and a heart like a mirror. If this kind of forged video is used as evidence to decide the case, it is obviously inappropriate and will cause injustice to innocent people and even more damage." The sacred dignity of the law!”

As soon as the law was mentioned as sacred, the judge immediately sat down and said: "Well, this evidence is not suitable to be included in the final case evidence. It should be eliminated after retrial."

The most important piece of evidence that concluded the case was perfectly resolved by Xiao Ning with a move of "attacking Zi's shield with Zi's spear".

Everyone realized belatedly that Xiao Ning was not traveling through time and space to find any new evidence, but was unexpectedly making a fuss about the old evidence and directly destroying the cornerstone of the case.

At this moment, the original conclusion of Zheng Shaogang's case is already in jeopardy.

Liu Rushi closed her eyes helplessly.

If Kelly hadn't robbed her just now, if she could have prevented Xiao Ning from coming to this final conclusion, then the judge might have agreed to settle the case.

At least reconciliation is a way out, which is much better than failing in a lawsuit.

But now, reconciliation is simply impossible.

Xiao Ning was so powerful that he was about to kill them all.

At this time, Kelly finally panicked: "Lawyer Liu, what should we do! They said the evidence will not count, so what should we do?"

Liu Rushi gritted her teeth and whispered in her ear: "No matter what, you will always stick to one point. You didn't make a false accusation, you were raped. If you bite this point, they will have nothing to do with you. Because they have obtained physical evidence to refute it. , cannot refute your witness."

Kelly calmed down, then panicked again: "What if they want to take a lie detector test? Then I'm doomed!"

Liu Rushi squinted her eyes and whispered: "No. You are now a disabled person, and you are a disabled person who has not yet passed the recovery period from the operation. All physical indicators are different from ordinary people, so you need to use the test at this time." Lie detector, the data will be inaccurate... Based on this, they will not give you a polygraph test. Remember, the key is that you don't leak anything. As long as you insist on your confession and don't change it, they can't refute your confession. , this case will become an unsolved case and will never be judged..."

She must seize this last opportunity!

Xiao Ning cannot be allowed to attack the pond!

Just when Liu Rushi had just comforted Kelly.

Xiao Ning, as she expected, began to intensively question her "confession" back then!

Xiao Ning looked at the case file one by one and kept asking Kelly, yes or no.

Kelly was so nervous!

Fortunately, Liu Rushi gave her reassurance, and she was able to hold on for a while and insist on one principle - never admitting that she lied back then.

Yes, everything I said is true!

Yes, Zheng Shaogang did rape me!

Yes, I reported the crime myself after I was raped!

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