Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2905 This uncle is definitely his biological son!

Remember in one second, wonderful free reading!

The corners of Fu Qingyun's lips could not help but curl up slowly.

Why is she so cute?

Straightforward and charming.

Even when he is silly, people can't help but get close to him.

Not to mention her eloquent talk in court and her radiant appearance were so breathtaking.

His eyes were fixed on her and he couldn't look away for a moment.

This is the girl of his dreams. A ring and a marriage certificate are the best gifts for such a precious girl. All other mundane things seem too cheap and frivolous to be worthy of her.

Fu Qingyun thought silently, thinking that today's meal might be an opportunity to have a deeper conversation with her in such a quiet and romantic place.

If the atmosphere is right, you might be able to express your feelings to her...

The two of them sat in the best seat by the window, there was no one around, and the menu was also customized by the club, so there was no need to bother ordering it alone.

Jazz music flows gently, elegantly and briskly, relaxing, and everything seems to fall into place.

Fu Qingyun was about to change the subject: "Ning Ning, what do you think of me...?"

at this time!

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

Immediately, a fat man sat down unceremoniously on the empty seat between Xiao Ning and Fu Qingyun, panting: "I finally caught up with you! Ning Ning, it's you! Huh? Fu Qingyun." Inspector...are you there too?"

Niu Bin followed Bai Yeyuan's instructions and chased him to the club, found out that the guests in the car had indeed entered the place, and used his lawyer's sharp tongue to get the club to allow him to come in - but when he came in and saw it, he was very happy.

The person his uncle asked him to track was actually Ning Ning!

The younger uncle must be too considerate, knowing that he likes Ning Ning, so he deliberately gave him this opportunity to get close to Ning Ning.


He glanced at Fu Qingyun suspiciously.

Could it be...

My uncle knew that Fu Qingyun was also interested in Ning Ning, so he reminded him to be careful of his enemies?

Niu Bin, who originally respected Fu Qingyun very much, became wary and hostile towards Fu Qingyun.

At the same time, he didn't know how grateful he was to Bai Yeyuan!

My uncle is really a real uncle!

So good to him!

Don't worry, uncle, I will protect Ningning well and prevent the insidious guy like Fu Qingyun from succeeding. Our good cabbage must not be lost to pigs!

So, Niu Bin moved his chair towards Xiao Ning, deliberately keeping a little distance from Fu Qingyun.

Xiao Ning was surprised that Niu Bin would appear here: "Why, you, a lively guy who usually doesn't go anywhere except bars, how come you come to such a quiet coffee club?"

Ushibin rubbed his nose shyly: "I... I have changed recently. I don't even go to the bar to hang out! And I heard that your case was won and I wanted to celebrate with you. Who knows? What a coincidence, I meet you here!"

Next to him, Fu Qingyun looked at the fat man who was an uninvited guest with a deep look. With his experience and IQ, he would not believe Niu Bin's lies.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world?

We happened to meet here?

Is this fat man trying to cause trouble?

He abandoned Assistant Xiao Huang halfway and sent him away. He just wanted to spend some quiet time alone with Xiao Ning. How could he let this fat man disturb him?

He said calmly and calmly: "Since we are here, we are all guests. Lawyer Niu, right? You might as well dine with us. Waiter, please give this gentleman a tableware."

He said, giving a look to the familiar waiter.

Fu Qingyun's tone was very polite, but no matter how stupid Niu Bin was, he still heard a different flavor from it——

What "we" and "us" mean, don't you just want me and Ning Ning to draw a clear line between us and you?

Niu Bin happened to sit a little closer to Xiao Ning.

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