Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2912: My uncle is really difficult to take care of!

My dear chief, you are the second most difficult person to serve! Remember in one second, wonderful free reading!

When Xiao Ning returned to Xiaohonglou, Bai Yeyuan hadn't come back yet.

He seems to be really busy at work recently, leaving early and coming home late, and often traveling short distances for business.

Xiao Ning was tired after a busy day. She wanted to turn on the bedside lamp and wait for him to come back, but she ended up lying on the bedside waiting... her eyelids fluttered and she fell asleep.

It wasn't until I fell asleep that I felt a chill in my waist.

In the haze, a big hand moved up her waistline with familiarity and grasped her little bun.

Xiao Ning vaguely knew that Bai Yeyuan was back.

Instinctively I wanted to push him away.

But when she thought about how she had to help Qiu Xinxin with the Fengyun Awards finals and asked for leave to continue working on the case, she had to smooth the hair of the big devil and make him happy before letting her out.

Xiao Ning snorted worthless: "Be gentle, be gentle..."

Bai Yeyuan's breath tightened.

As for men, they can't stand a woman saying two words in a soft voice - "don't" and "be gentle".

Because, they will automatically understand the opposite meaning - "I want", "key point", thus the adrenaline will surge!

Bai Yeyuan is naturally a man among men. Hearing this, he didn't waste a second and directly covered Xiao Ning's small body with a heavy breath.

He didn't even have time to take off his tie, and his pants were only down to his knees, so he hugged her and lay on her side, spread her feet, and held her waist with both hands...


Xiao Ning was poked by something cool.

She muttered aggrievedly: "Why is it so cold..."

Bai Yeyuan had just come back from outside. The early winter weather was slightly cold. He wore very little and his body was a little cold.

The man bit her earlobe and whispered with a half-smile: "Well, that's why I want to go in and let you warm me up..."

Xiao Ning: "...!"

After not seeing each other for a few days, the man’s shamelessness has escalated again!

However, what made her even more ashamed was that when she heard Bai Yeyuan's shameless words, she actually... reacted.

It's scary, the body of a pregnant woman is so easily seduced into feeling.

The moonlight slowly moved from the left window to the right window.

The temperature in the room has been rising steadily, and from time to time, small sounds of breathing and small sounds of begging for mercy can be heard in the quiet air.

"Well... light... light..."


"No more..."

Xiao Ning was sweating and humming like a cat.

Bai Yeyuan's reserve and nobility had long been forgotten, and he said in a rough voice in her ear: "The doctor said that you can try a few safe actions... and the time can be longer than last month..."

Xiao Ning hummed: "I... ow, I'm tired..."

Bai Yeyuan was still full of energy: "Little thing, you just lack exercise!"

Xiao Ning couldn't help but retort: ​​"I, I obviously practice yoga every day..."

Bai Yeyuan narrowed his eyes.

He deliberately probed deeply inside, causing Xiao Ning to scream and shrink nervously.

He smiled evilly and commented: "I can feel it. Flexibility has improved."

Xiao Ning didn't understand it at first, but after being played several times by him and tortured to death, she finally realized what the big devil's comment just meant!

It's not that her limbs are flexible or flexible.

But she is...she is so flexible!


I don't know if Bai Yeyuan's statement that the doctor thought more postures would take more time was true or not. Anyway, Xiao Ning really didn't have any strength at the end.

The man was still full of exploration spirit and coaxed her enthusiastically: "Try the one on the arch bridge again... I heard it's a yoga move, haven't you practiced it before? You can do it!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

Is this what practicing yoga is for? ? ?

No time to protest yet.

Bai Yeyuan, who has super mobility, has already started to fiddle with it.

Xiao Ning was shocked: "Ah——! Don't touch there..."

After a whole night of stimulating and fresh exercise, Xiao Ning lay wilted on the pillow, and Bai Yeyuan could only do the cleaning for her.

She had only one thought in her mind at the moment - this man was too difficult to serve and too difficult to satisfy!

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