Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2914 Liu Rushi is sick. Are you distressed? 【Must see】

Dear Chief No. 2, are you feeling distressed? Remember in one second, wonderful free reading!

Xiao Ning was so excited that she lost all sleep.

Can she still be allowed to sleep properly?

Why are you mentioning Liu Rushi on such a warm and beautiful night?

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. What does it have to do with me whether she faints or not?" Xiao Ning muttered angrily.

For the first time, she didn't want to be a reasonable woman, she wanted to be a bad woman.

She just wasn't happy to hear that woman's name Liu Rushi in Bai Yeyuan's mouth.

Not happy!

Bai Yeyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his lips slowly rose: "I heard that he couldn't accept being defeated by you, and was so stimulated by the case that he relapsed and fainted."

Xiao Ning snorted, broke away from his arms, and turned her back to him.

Stinky man!

Stinky man!

Stinky man!

It's really pulling, "hanging", Wu, Qing.

When I did that thing just now, the words I spoke were so touching and intimate, and I loved her so much that it hurt her to death. Now that I had to pull away, it would only last a little longer? His mouth is full of other women.

Why, Liu Rushi is sick, are you feeling distressed?

If you feel sorry for me, just go and see me and tell me what you want!

Xiao Ning's tone became even more unhappy this time: "It can only be said that her mental quality is too poor. If we meet again in court and she still looks like this, I'm afraid she will faint and faint again in the future. Oh, but she may not have that chance. Giving false testimony will lead to imprisonment, and I don’t know how many years she will be sentenced this time.”

Xiao Ning rarely commented on a person in such a long way and in such an unhappy tone.

But Bai Yeyuan listened to every word, and the curvature of the corners of his lips became wider and wider: "Do you really want her to go to jail?"

Xiao Ning rolled her eyes: "What I hope or don't hope for has nothing to do with me. She is an old acquaintance of yours. Are you feeling distressed? If you want to see her, just go..."

Bai Yeyuan finally couldn't help laughing: "Yes, I plan to go."

Xiao Ning was upset when she heard him smile so happily, but when she heard that he admitted that he wanted to visit Liu Rushi in front of her, she was almost furious.

He directly covered his head with the quilt and refused to continue discussing this topic with him: "Whatever you want! It's best to go now!"

Bai Yeyuan stretched his big palm along the gap in the quilt, and touched her bun with familiarity: "It's too late now, I plan to talk about it tomorrow."

Xiao Ning wanted to cut off his dog's claws.

Bai Yeyuan, do you have the face?

Touching me while planning to see other women?

She was so angry that she grabbed his big palm with her little hand, stretched it to her mouth and took a bite.

After biting him, he didn't say anything. He was so depressed that he didn't know why he was so angry. Bai Yeyuan actually started "domestic violence".

I had worked hard to please him all night just so that I could successfully attend the Fengyun Awards finals in a few days.

This was great, for the sake of Liu Rushi, she completely offended Bai Yeyuan.


Unexpectedly, Bai Yeyuan was bitten. Instead of being angry, his smile widened even more.

If it weren't for the fact that the night had not covered up his exaggerated smile at this moment, if someone saw it, it would definitely make people stunned - the CEO was smiling like a sinister fox at this moment!

Bai Yeyuan smiled and said, "Have you bitten enough? If you've bitten enough, go to sleep and accompany me to visit patients tomorrow."

Why sleep?

Is this your attitude towards letting people sleep well? !

Xiao Ning was muttering angrily. Suddenly, the words "come with me" flashed across her ears, and she was stunned for a moment.


What Bai Yeyuan meant was to ask her to accompany him to see Liu Rushi?

Did he make a mistake?

Because he thought she wasn't miserable enough, he wanted to take her to the hospital and see how he felt distressed and comforted Liu Rushi.

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