Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2926 The big devil looks down on her case

Dear Chief, the second case of hers: Although she has handled several big cases that helped others change their life trajectories and saved others from quagmire, Xiao Ning still felt a little grateful every time she was thanked for her "great kindness". Not used to it.

She gave in and said, "You are not exaggerating. It's fate that owes you. Everything you get now is repayment from fate. You deserve it."

Zheng Shaogang said firmly: "I don't believe in fate, I believe in you, Lawyer Xiao Ning! You have been my idol and my spiritual support from now on!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

Idol? !

She is not the big star Yun Xiaoqiao, what is her idol? This Zheng Shaogang is really a man who feels so numb...

Xiao Ning quickly interrupted him and changed the topic: "Hey, so many bosses are looking for you, which job did you choose in the end?"

Zheng Shaogang smiled honestly: "Hey, in the end, the husband of a female boss... found me and insisted on asking me to be his wife's bodyguard secretary. He said that my character was trustworthy. At that time, even the beautiful female students were under me I didn't even bother to take care of the dormitory, but he handed over his wife to me. I felt very relieved. I thought about the most rare thing between people is trust, so I agreed to him. He gave me an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, and the company was also responsible for reimbursing my mother for all her property. Medical expenses..."

Xiao Ning listened and felt happy for Zheng Shaogang.

This man's life was ruined by a female student. Fortunately, he had a settlement and a stable life in the second half of his life.

Just as he was sighing with emotion, Zheng Shaogang's voice suddenly broke off.

The mobile phone was moved away from the air by a big hand.

A stream of cold air covered her behind.

Bai Yeyuan frowned and looked at his phone: "Didn't you say you were going for a walk? What kind of wild man were you calling?"

When he saw Zheng Shaogang's name displayed on the screen, he looked better: "This kind of person will be blacklisted after the case is over. Why should we contact him? You are too unprofessional. You don't have to work with the client. The messy connections outside.”

Although the words were unpleasant, his tone was much gentler and he didn't mean to blame him too much.

Xiao Ning thought to herself, fortunately this was a call from Zheng Shaogang. If Fu Qingyun's call just now was discovered, it would not be so easy to get through.


Why did the big devil come down so quickly?

Did you agree to deeply comfort Liu Rushi?

"Aren't you going to have dinner with her?" Xiao Ning asked, avoiding Bai Yeyuan's question.

Bai Yeyuan: "You're such an old man, what can you do to keep me company? Are you hungry? Shall I take you to eat beef hot pot? Huh? Didn't you go and eat something warm yesterday?"

The man spoke so naturally, completely unaware of the serious contradiction between his words - Liu Rushi is an adult and does not need to accompany her, but is Xiao Ning just a child who needs someone to accompany her?

Xiao Ning hesitated: "Uncle, I want to go back and study the case of Fengyun Award... Is there any new breakthrough point? Otherwise, why don't we go out to eat? It's a waste of time..."

Bai Yeyuan made a serious face: "Eating with me is a waste of time? You are solving cases and have nothing to do with it. Just throw it aside and ignore it. Eat!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

You know the big devil always looks down on the cases she handles... Humph!


Seventh floor, in the hospital ward.

Liu Rushi leaned against the window weakly, staring quietly downstairs at the scene of Xiao Ning and Bai Yeyuan leaving hand in hand.

She saw Bai Yeyuan snatch Xiao Ning's mobile phone;

She saw that Xiao Ning was having a tantrum with Bai Yeyuan for some reason;

She also saw that Bai Yeyuan, such a cold and indifferent man, actually took the initiative to hold Xiao Ning's waist, as if he was afraid that she would make any mistake, he held her tightly and got into the car...

The direction the car was driving was towards the famous food center in the city...


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