Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2935 She nervously grabbed the seam of his pants

Dear Chief Sir, when Bai Yeyuan came out of Qingka Club, the sun was just right outside.

Xiao Ning remembered that she and Fu Qingyun finished eating here that day and took a long walk along the moat.

However, Bai Yeyuan and I couldn't take a walk today.

First, she was still thinking about going home and continuing to study the case. Second, as soon as she went out, she found a row of cars parked outside the club, all of them Bai Yeyuan's people.

I'm afraid these people were all guarding outside the club last night and didn't move all night.

Xiao Ning felt a little sorry.

Because of her and Bai Yeyuan's nonsense all night, it was a sin for so many brothers to be unable to rest. It was a sin.

Bai Yeyuan didn't care, "Would you like to go for a walk?"

Xiao Ning pulled him into the car without thinking, and whispered: "We're done. Didn't you see that the brothers in the night department have been tired all night? You are still their boss, so you don't show sympathy. Let's go back quickly. .”

Bai Yeyuan raised his eyebrows: "I just sympathized with them and let them rest here last night. Otherwise, it would be even more tiring to go out to perform the night mission. Besides, even if they are tired, how can they be as tired as me last night? The night ministry has a rule of taking turns. Yes, I did it all by myself last night, who took turns with me? I didn’t see you caring so much about me, huh?"

Xiao Ning's face turned red!

Smelly man, what are you talking about? It's so shameless.

He did what he did to her last night. She was obviously very tired, okay, but he still had the nerve to say he was tired?

She was so angry that she said, "Do you still want to take turns?"

Bai Yeyuan narrowed his eyes: "I don't want to. So I can only humiliate myself and do it myself from beginning to end."

Xiao Ning: "..."

The car started slowly, and Xiao Ning had the urge to throw the big devil out of the car window - if she had the ability.

But in fact, she didn't have the ability, so she could only choose to shut up and keep silent, and not continue this topic with the unscrupulous guy.


The cold war hadn't lasted more than a minute.

was interrupted.

At first, Xiao Ning deliberately turned her head and looked out the car window.

Her and Bai Yeyuan's cars were driving in the middle of the convoy, and were protected by several cars from the night department in front and behind. Such a tight defensive formation could be said to be very rare.

However, Bai Yeyuan has been like this for the past two days, so Xiao Ning is not surprised.

However, when she looked out the window, she realized something was wrong...

"Uncle, why is there a cash truck always trying to squeeze into our driveway? Are they in a hurry to transport banknotes to the bank?" Xiao Ning muttered, forgetting that she was in the cold war.

Bai Yeyuan did not answer her question, but ordered in a cold voice: "Get down!"

Xiao Ning was startled. Before she could turn around and see Bai Yeyuan's expression clearly, he suddenly pressed her head on his knee.

In the flash of lightning, she could only vaguely see a small sniper rifle with a faint light in the man's hand!

She lay on his knees, and then she realized that the cash transport truck that kept trying to get closer might be deliberately trying to hit it!

The heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

The sullenness I felt just now has long been forgotten.

At this moment, facing an unknown enemy, her heart was filled with worries for him.

She even forgot that she was a pregnant woman and that she was the one who should worry the most. She only thought anxiously about who on earth dared to challenge him on the territory of the imperial capital Bai Yeyuan! Do it with him!

Anyone who dares to do this will definitely not be a small character, but must be a powerful enemy with great background.

Xiao Ning's palms were slightly sweaty, and she nervously grabbed the seam of Bai Yeyuan's pants...


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