Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2941: Eat the fart yourself.

The second fart, eat it yourself

"...It is impossible for an amateur who has no professional legal education and becomes a monk halfway to be recognized by the Fengyun Award!"

What Principal Peng said makes sense at first glance, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Only Xiao Ning, who was sitting in the crowd, could hear the underlying meaning at first glance.

This is not a fair comment, it is clearly a declaration of war against her!

No professional legal education?

A bastard who became a monk on the way?

Haha, isn't this a mockery of her? Xiao Ning is a veterinarian by training, has never studied law, and is self-study to get a lawyer's license?

Okay, let him see today how she, a self-taught "bastard", won the Grand Prize!

Nothing is impossible in this world. Who stipulates who must be eligible to receive the Fengyun Award?

She was not convinced by seeing someone die like this.

Niu Bin next to him also realized the sour and ironic meaning in Principal Peng's words.

He was so angry that he almost jumped up from his seat: "Hey! The old man has such a bad mouth, what kind of nonsense are he talking about!"

Xiao Ning held him down: "There's no point in scolding him. Let's silence him with actions."

Ushibin nodded fiercely: "Yeah, let him eat the fart himself!"

Xiao Ning held her forehead: "..."

I didn’t say that, Xiaohama...

But having said that, Ushihama’s metaphor is really vivid!

The promulgation of the new rules caused an explosive discussion on the Internet, and the benefits were obvious-the number of viewers of the Fengyun Awards, which was originally watched by tens of millions of people, suddenly increased sharply.

The live broadcast network was paralyzed for a time because the number of viewers who continued to come in exceeded hundreds of millions. The Empire Wind and Cloud Award finals had never seen such a high level of participation. The live broadcast network server was suddenly unable to bear it. The site urgently asked engineers and Imperial Internet Services The company worked hard to expand and repair the system, and finally managed to resume normal broadcasting of the live broadcast within ten minutes.

Bai Yeyuan ended the company meeting,

On the way to the stadium, when he heard the report, he curled his lips and said in a deep voice: "So it's easier for the old guys in the cabinet. When Sir Alex asked them to modify the rules of the game, those old guys were still mumbling. Now they should If you have long eyes, you can see how powerful the advertising effect of this new rule is. I, Bai Yeyuan, do not care about the tens of millions of publicity fees collected by the cabinet and the competition organizing committee, which is already very noble!"

The corners of Ye Yi's lips twitched fiercely a few times.

He found that his CEO and Sir Alex were sometimes very similar - for example, in their desire to control his own women, their sinister drive, and their ruthlessness towards their enemies.

However, they also have very obvious differences.

That is, his CEO is definitely more business-minded.

Absolutely, the profiteer among profiteers! ! !

In this regard, Sir Alex, who is rough and treats money like dirt, is definitely not as powerful as his big CEO.

Ye Yi looked at Bai Yeyuan with admiring and complicated eyes and asked, "President, will you sit next to Miss Ning Ning later?"

Bai Yeyuan pondered and waved his hand: "No need. Don't affect her performance. Don't tell her I'm here yet. The little thing will be nervous when she sees me."

Yoruichi: "Yes!"

President, you think so much!

When the car arrived at the venue, Ye Yi led people to guard the place tightly as usual.

Bai Yeyuan went directly to the VIP box on the second floor, condescendingly watching the game with the best view.

The atmosphere on the field was already quite tense.

The first person to take the stage was a senior lawyer.

His case was originally ranked in the top three in the first half due to a certain judge's high score, but due to the new rules, it was suddenly knocked down to the bottom three and almost eliminated.

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