Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2953: Our CEO’s favorite

Zhu Qianqian was suddenly shocked!

She simply thought that the parking lot facilities were too old and she just tripped over a speed bump and had to get up.

She never expected that what tripped her up was not a speed bump.

But a pair of cold leather shoes for a man!

She wanted to stand up and get a clear look at the man who tripped her.

However, the man's leather shoes stepped on his back: "You are not worthy of seeing my face."

The man pouted.

After following Bai Yeyuan for a long time, Ye Yi also learned a bit of Bai Yeyuan's ruthlessness, and he was no less ruthless in dealing with enemies: "You just need to know how you will die tonight."

Zhu Qianqian finally realized something, and her voice was panicked and trembling: " were sent by Xiao, you are President Bai's person? want to kill people and silence them? How dare you do it on the territory of Fengyun Awards? kill……?!"

"You are wrong, we are not killing people to silence them." Ye Yi sneered solemnly, "We are just killing pigs."

This kind of thing is inferior to pigs and dogs. Last time, the president didn't want to get things done for the sake of girl Ning Ning, so he kept some moral integrity and didn't execute her.

As a result, this pig woman was given the opportunity to fight back!

So the president told me this time - just get rid of it!

No room left!

Zhu Qianqian's pupils shrank to a thin line, and she finally smelled the coming of death from Ye Yi's sneer.

She struggled: "No! No! You can't do this. This is the Fengyun Awards ceremony, and you actually killed people in the parking lot... just because I offended Xiao Ning? I didn't do anything at all. She was unlucky enough to be killed. Zero points... And who is she? She doesn't behave like a woman at all. She flirts with others outside and betrays Bai Yeyuan. I have evidence! I have photos! Really...! Let me go and I'll expose it. The true face of this bitch Xiao Ning!"

Ye Yi snorted coldly: "No need to waste your energy on sophistry. We are all very aware of the scandalous things you have done. What kind of shabby photos? Our president doesn't care about it at all. On the contrary, it's Miss Ningning, who is our president's favorite, so why? Do you allow your stinky mouth to slander and comment randomly? If you dare to say anything bad about Miss Ning Ning again, I guarantee you will die in an ugly way... drag her away!"

Ye Yi didn't give her a chance to say bad things about Xiao Ning.

Zhu Qianqian realized that all her chips had become worthless.

To Bai Yeyuan, Xiao Ning always comes first, and other people's slanders cannot get into his heart.

Zhu Qianqian began to regret a little. How could she be so ignorant of current affairs and become enemies with Xiao Ning, a woman who seemed simple and weak but actually had a profound background?

If not, she should now be in the Universe Law Firm, serving as her HR director, still having Mu Tianyu's trust, having the respect of countless colleagues, and having a promising career...

But just because of some strange combination of circumstances, she fell in love with Xiao Ning. She worked hard for half a year in vain, got nothing out of it, and even got into trouble. On the contrary, Xiao Ning remained unmoved and became more and more prosperous, while she Now he has been reduced to the level where he is worse than a pig or a dog!

Do you regret taking the medicine?

If so, give her a big bottle!

"I was wrong! Please spare me! I can kneel down to Xiao Ning and admit my mistake. I, I can also reveal the person behind the scenes. Yes, I was ordered by someone else! I can give you her phone number... I...uh!"

Zhu Qianqian desperately grabbed all the straws to save her life.

However, the leather shoes on her back did not relax at all.

She realized that Bai Yeyuan's people didn't bother to bargain with her. They wanted her to die today!

There was fear in her eyes, she began to tremble violently, and began to struggle in an orderly manner.

However, in a few moments, she was stuffed into a sack by Yebu's brothers and carried onto a meat truck.

The car carried Zhu Qianqian in the sack, avoiding all the cameras, and drove out of the parking lot.

In the unavoidable place, the camera has been smashed to pieces, leaving no trace.

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