Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2967 4 I’ll give you the whip back hard

Just when Xiao Zhijun finally put his heart back in his stomach, he was ready to leave with the old lady before planning his funeral.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yeyuan's face was as cold as ice and he suddenly said: "Wait! Don't leave!"

Xiao Zhijun's feet went weak and he almost fell to his knees.

The old lady said in a low voice: "Why, it's not okay for me to take someone away and serve me? We go to the deep mountains and don't interfere with your business. We are thousands of miles away from you, but you won't let us go?"

Bai Yeyuan turned around and stared at Xiao Zhijun with sharp eyes: "I will give it back to you just as you used the whip to beat my people."

As he spoke, he lowered his eyes and asked Xiao Ning softly: "How many times did he whip you?"

If he remembered correctly, this bastard wanted to hit Xiao Ning in the stomach just now?

Does this bastard know something?

Think he can't see it? !

Hearing Bai Yeyuan's question, Xiao Ning bit her lip and mustered up her courage: "Four whips!"

At this time, she would not be polite to Xiao Zhijun, let alone be soft-hearted and show mercy.

Xiao Zhijun was angry: "You lied! Obviously only two whips hit you! The rest were either hit on the ground or..."

He was stopped halfway by Bai Yeyuan.

But he didn't dare to say it.

Xiao Ning said angrily: "But you obviously hit me four times. If you can't hit me accurately, I can only blame you for being too stupid!"

Xiao Zhijun: "...!"

This damn girl, relying on someone's support, actually humiliated him and blackmailed him.

Bai Yeyuan naturally listened to Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning said how many whips there were, so he recognized them: "Ye Si, give these four whips back double!"

Xiao Zhijun staggered and couldn't hold himself up any longer. He almost pushed the old lady down while holding on to him: "I, I, I don't want... I will be beaten to death...!"

On the fourth night of the night, at first glance, he looked like a muscular man with a strong back and a muscular body.

Being whipped eight times by such a terrifying bodyguard, I'm afraid his skin and flesh will be torn to pieces and he will die on the spot.

Bai Yeyuan sneered: "Blood debt must be paid with blood! You don't want to take the whip, but do you want me to kill you with one shot?"

Xiao Zhijun: "No, no, no...uncle, I...I was wronged!"

Bai Yeyuan: "Shut up! Who allowed you to call me that stupid thing?"

Xiao Zhijun cried sadly: "Bai... Young Master Bai, please spare me, I will never dare to do it again..."

Bai Yeyuan has long been extremely disgusted with this shameless illegitimate son.

If it weren't for the purpose of praying for him and Xiao Ning's Bai Dabao, he would have killed this bastard long ago. How could he have the patience to listen to such a person?

"Shut up! Ye Si, why don't you drag people down to practice your skills!"

"Yes! President!"

Xiao Zhijun was shaking like millet, his pupils were dilated, and he suddenly grabbed the old lady's sleeves tightly: "Grandma, listen to me, Xiao Ning's belly... ah!!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly screamed!

It was Bai Yeyuan who waved the whip in his hand, mercilessly, and slapped the whip on his face!

The barbed whip was dragged from his brow to his chin, and it felt like his face was split in half!

Xiao Zhijun wanted to reveal the scandal he suspected to the old lady, but in the end he failed!

His tongue was hooked by the barbs of the whip, and he was completely unable to speak. He could only roll on the ground and howl.

Bai Yeyuan's eyes became colder, he threw away the whip and told Ye Si: "Enforce family laws with the strength of family laws. Remember, no one of the eight whips can be missing! Get out of here if you don't want to take him with you!"

"Yes!" Ye Si has always been taciturn, but his understanding and grasp of Bai Yeyuan's thoughts is the most accurate among all the brothers.

When he saw the force with which Bai Yeyuan swung the whip just now, he knew that Bai Yeyuan wanted Xiao Zhijun to die.

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