Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2980 The man is so domineering that it’s a bit cute

The second one is a bit cute

"Do you have time for a vacation?" Xiao Ning thought about it and curled her lips.

For so many years, as long as she could remember, she had never seen him take a day off, let alone take a vacation!

Bai Yeyuan bit her ear: "Can't I take a vacation? As long as you want, I can arrange it. You heartless little thing, the last time I accompanied you to Gu Qiqi's wedding, doesn't it count as a vacation?"

Xiao Ning said "Ah" and remembered that the only vacation in his life was actually accompanying her to attend her friend's wedding.


"You are Qiqi's uncle, you should have attended the wedding!" Xiao Ning said angrily.

Bai Yeyuan chuckled: "Then do you want to be promoted to Qiqi's little aunt..."

Xiao Ning covered his mouth nervously: "Don't talk nonsense!"

God, this topic is so shameful. She should change the topic again.

"Um...I'm going to take a day off next Wednesday."

Bai Yeyuan raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Ning: "Qiu Xinxin sent a message just now, saying that the Lawyers Association held a tea party to thank the lawyers who participated in the Fengyun Awards. She wanted to invite me to go with her... It's a tea party! A tea party! It's not a cocktail party, so... I can go ?"

Seeing Bai Yeyuan's sullen expression, Xiao Ning quickly whispered coquettishly: "Well, uncle, you know that on the night of the finals, sister Qiu Xinxin was so nervous that she had a stomachache, so she spent the whole night in the bathroom. , how miserable! If I refuse her invitation again, I don’t know if my sister’s glass heart can bear it... I don’t have many friends in total, and I don’t want my friends to feel uncomfortable for me..."

Bai Yeyuan's calm face finally melted for her: "Wednesday? I will accompany you then."

Xiao Ning quickly waved her hand: "You?! No! If a big CEO like you goes to such an occasion, everyone will drink tea and talk, and they will all be patronizing you! I still have to worry about being photographed by reporters. With you...just ask Yoruichi to send me there."

Bai Yeyuan nibbled at her unhappily: "Why, do you like Ye Yi to accompany you more than me?"

Xiao Ning wrinkled her little nose speechlessly: "I hate it! I obviously didn't mean that..."

Bai Yeyuan teased her and she was in a good mood.

Nodding in agreement: "Let Yoichi accompany you, go early and come back early!"

As he said that, he remembered something again: "Don't go see Liu Rushi in the future."

Xiao Ning raised her eyebrows: "What?"

Bai Yeyuan: "Her illness is unstable. I'm afraid she will hurt you."

Xiao Ning's heart felt warm, and the depression in her heart this day seemed to be swept away, making her nose feel a little sore.

In fact, after Bai Yeyuan came back, he didn't ask her in detail what she said to Liu Rushi and what happened, but he did remember to remind her to be careful about Liu Rushi.

He cares about her so much, trusts her, and protects her.

This alone made her look at him with admiration.

She was moved in her heart, but the woman's inner arrogance still made her unable to help but say something ironic: "Aren't you afraid that I will hurt her?"

Bai Yeyuan snorted indifferently: "Impossible."

Xiao Ning was speechless for a moment: "Are you saying that I don't have the ability to hurt her..."

Bai Yeyuan rubbed her forehead: "You little fool! Anyway, don't go to Liu Rushi's place if you have nothing to do in the future. Even if you have something to do, tell me first. Stay away from that lunatic of hers!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

This domineering man!

However, why do I suddenly feel that he is so domineering and a little cute?

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