Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2983 The terrifying hypnosis!

"Well, Miss Ning Ning's favorite thing to eat is desserts...she likes all kinds of desserts..."

"Young Master Bai comes to see Miss Ning Ning every day... and sometimes stays overnight..."

"Young Master Bai has a dedicated person to take care of Miss Ning Ning. The doctor is also invited from outside. We don't have the medical records, so we don't know..."

"Miss Ning Ning is never angry with us. She has a good temper... She often says that being kind to others means accumulating blessings for her next life and her future children..."

"Miss Ning Ning, the time she wakes up every day is..."

Just when everyone was inexplicably and uncontrollably starting to talk about some of Xiao Ning's living habits and sex, suddenly, a series of footsteps came from the corridor.

Ye Yi took several brothers to change their posts and passed by the nurse station. Hearing Xiao Ning's name, he scolded with a sullen face: "What are you talking about!"

The nurses just woke up from a dream. They seemed to have had a big dream. Their whole backs were soaked in cold sweat, but their minds were not very clear: "We... we didn't say anything..."

Oops. I can't remember what I just said.

I can’t even remember why I was chatting just now.

Ye Yi said coldly: "Watch your mouth, work more, chat less, and don't gossip about girl Ning Ning! Otherwise... you know what will happen."

Yoruichi made a gesture of wiping his neck, and all the nurses immediately shivered and lowered their heads.

They are so wronged.

They obviously didn't say anything.

Miss Ning Ning is such a kind and lovely person, how could they bear to betray her body.

not far away.

Quietly, when Yoruichi arrived, Melinda wrapped herself in her white coat and left as if nothing had happened. She was waiting for the elevator to go downstairs in high heels.

She faintly heard Ye Yi's scolding, slowly raised the corners of her lips, and said silently in her heart——

"Tsk tsk, man, don't be too confident! Do you think you are much better than the little nurses? Haha, if you fall into my hands, I can pry open your mouth in five minutes and let you tell me everything I want to know. , they all confessed obediently... What do you think, little handsome guy, do you want to try my hypnosis another day?"

She entered the elevator with a smile, and the moment she closed the elevator door, she smiled charmingly at Ye Yi's profile.


When Xiao Ning returned to the ward, Ye Yi was no longer there.

Bai Yeyuan was alone reviewing the documents with his eyes lowered, very focused.

Seeing him working so hard, Xiao Ning couldn't bear to disturb him. She came in quietly and sat silently by the bed, stroking her heart.

For some reason, when I met Melinda just now, she felt very uncomfortable.

It was like meeting Liu Rushi.

However, Liu Rushi's discomfort was somewhat similar to Melinda's discomfort, but also somewhat different.

She couldn't say there was any specific difference, she just felt that every pore of Melinda exuded a scent she didn't like.

Do you want to talk to Bai Yeyuan?

But obviously Melinda didn't do anything to her.

Melinda just asked where Bai Yeyuan was and if she knew.

But at that time, when she heard these words, she exploded. She couldn't control her emotions at all, and started fighting like a jealous woman.

Now that I think about it, she seems to have overreacted a little bit, which is a bit unlike her!

Thinking of this, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Whether it was Liu Rushi or Melinda, they would occasionally cause her to have very negative emotions for no apparent reason, amplifying some of the evil thoughts in her heart!


She suspected that frequent contact with them would lead to criminal tendencies in her.

Xiao Ning closed her eyes, suddenly feeling so helpless and fragile. She stepped forward gently and hugged Bai Yeyuan's strong waist from behind...

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