Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2987: Can Bai Yeyuan be hypnotized?

The 2nd Bai Yeyuan?

Liu Rushi was sarcastic by Melinda, her cheeks were slightly red, she lowered her eyes apologetically, and apologized very obediently: "I'm sorry, senior sister, it's all because of my poor academic skills... I have been injured a lot over the years, and I have become rusty in my skills. . Now my hypnosis and charm skills have declined a lot. I just tried to hypnotize Xiao Ning, but unfortunately it failed..."

Melinda snorted coldly: "I knew you were useless! Otherwise, Master wouldn't have sent me to help you deal with these people! Since you knew you were incompetent, why didn't you take advantage of me when I came that day to lure Bai Yeyuan away from the mountain? When you have the opportunity to leave, attack Xiao Ning in the hospital? Bai Yeyuan treasures this girl Xiao Ning, so if you kidnap her, won't you have the leverage to negotiate terms with him? "

Liu Rushi bit her lip and nervously turned the black pearl bracelet on her wrist: "Senior you can see, I can't deeply hypnotize her. She was accompanied by bodyguards that day, just outside the ward door. There are countless bodyguards deployed throughout the hospital to protect her, so I can't do anything to her, let alone take her away... This is a great opportunity wasted..."

After saying that, she tentatively asked Melinda: "The day you went to see Bai Yeyuan, did you try... to hypnotize him?"

Melinda frowned: "Didn't you try it back then? Bai Yeyuan has a special physique and strong willpower, and he doesn't accept hypnosis at all!"

Liu Rushi's eyes turned slightly: "But, senior sister, you are much stronger than me, maybe you can try it..."

Melinda shook her head: "Bai Yeyuan is very sinister. I can see that he has received professional anti-hypnosis training for a long time. This trick is useless to him!"

Liu Rushi sighed weakly: "Sister, what do you think we should do?"

Melinda narrowed her eyes: "Two-pronged approach! On Xiao Ning's side, continue to look for opportunities to kidnap her; on Bai Yeyuan's side... hypnosis is ineffective on him, but I have some gadgets here that might work!"

Melinda opened her palm, and inside was a small piece of green pill.

Liu Rushi was surprised: "What is this, Senior Sister? Is it Master's newly developed medicine?"

Melinda smiled proudly: "As long as he takes it more than three times regularly, he will become addicted."

Liu Rushi exclaimed: "So powerful? Isn't it more powerful and more powerful than those hemp and roxin sold on the market?"

Melinda: "Of course! If not, why would the master be so eager to take over Bai Yeyuan and want to annex all the new pharmaceutical factories he established in Europe to expand the production of this kind of medicine? Speaking of which, Bai Yeyuan is really a medicine. Shang Genius, the locations he selected for European pharmaceutical factories are all uniquely suited to the cultivation and production of the new medicine developed by his master. This medicine is worth thousands of gold. If Bai Yeyuan's power can be annexed and mass-produced, we will be the best in the future. The most awesome drug dealer in the world!"

Liu Rushi listened quietly to Melinda's impressive idea and nodded softly: "I understand. Senior sister, you want me to either find an opportunity to tie up Xiao Ning and negotiate terms with Bai Yeyuan, or find an opportunity to give Bai Ye Did Yuan take this medicine three times in a row? It made him addicted, and then he couldn't live without us and was used by us? "

Melinda: "Why don't you tell me in such detail! You don't know what to do?!"

Liu Rushi pursed her lips: "But... Xiao Ning's side..."

Melinda hated the iron. "Forget it, you're stupid! You can't hypnotize Xiao Ning, leave it to me. Bai Yeyuan will definitely come to pick up Xiao Ning later. You seize the opportunity tonight and give him..."

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