Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2989 The door to the presidential suite is closed.

Door 2, closed

Faced with Bai Yeyuan's repeated rejections, Liu Rushi said softly: "Yeah, okay. Today is indeed too rushed, and it is indeed a bit inconvenient for you. Our dinner venue is here at the Empire State Building, which is a little away from you. Since In this case, it would be a good idea to talk about it some other time..."

She takes steps forward and is very considerate.

"Empire Building?" Bai Yeyuan pondered.

Isn't the little one also at the Empire State Building, attending Bar Association activities?

He was going to take her home anyway.

Drop by?

He temporarily changed his mind: "In half an hour, let the lawyer you mentioned be waiting at the Empire State Building."

Liu Rushi replied gently: "Yeah, okay."


Empire State Building Revolving Restaurant.

This was Xiao Ning's first time to participate in a Lawyers Association event. She thought it would be a boring gathering. Unexpectedly, many of the participating lawyers were big names in the industry who were rarely seen.

What’s even more surprising is that these industry bosses are very easy-going, have no airs, and are very kind to her, a newcomer in the legal profession.

Especially when they heard that she was the new winner of the Wind and Rain Awards, the bosses praised this cute and cute girl, and the communication was very smooth.

Chatting with industry leaders is better than ten years of reading.

Xiao Ning suddenly felt that she was just getting started on the road to law.

Listening to them talk about international acquisitions, the laws of war, the world situation and the imperial economy... Xiao Ning felt like she had opened up a new world.

She once thought that her study in law was hard enough and deep enough. After communicating with the big guys, she discovered that what she used to focus on was just a drop in the bucket, a drop in the ocean of this world. There are so many things in this world that deserve the attention of lawyers. field, there is still so much knowledge waiting for her to explore.

They chatted happily, and there was a waiter beside her who was meticulously adding tea and water. As a result, she drank a lot of tea without realizing it.

Only then did Xiao Ning realize belatedly... You can't drink too much tea at a party!

It will be embarrassing when looking for the toilet!

The revolving restaurant originally had a beautiful and exquisite restroom.

As a result, the bearing of the glass door of the women's restroom broke tonight.

However, in order not to cause trouble to the guests and reflect the attentive service of a high-end restaurant, a waiter was waiting at the door of the bathroom to enthusiastically guide the guests to the bathroom on the guest room floor.

At this moment, Xiao Ning held up her skirt and followed a young waiter towards the guest room.

"Aren't you here yet?" Xiao Ning walked through the long corridor and left the restaurant for a long time.

The waiter apologized: "Sorry, madam, the guest rooms are almost full tonight, so we temporarily borrowed a bathroom in the presidential suite for use... It's not far, not far, look, here it is!"

Xiao Ning looked at the closed door of the presidential suite and held her belly.

Okay, okay, people have three urgent needs, as long as there is a place to solve them.

She pushed the door open and prepared to go in. However, when she pushed it, the door was closed tightly.

She looked at the waiter in confusion: What's going on?

The waiter was also a little embarrassed, his eyes averted for a moment, and he stammered: "It should be this can't be wrong...right? Or is it that someone just used it and hasn't come out yet? Wait a moment, I'm knocking on the door..."

With that said, the waiter reached out and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, the door to the guest room opened slightly.

A gentle female voice came out: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Ning was startled when he heard that voice.

Liu Rushi?

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