Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3002 Fu Qingyun is his opponent

Chapter 3004 Fu Qingyun is his opponent

When Niu Bin heard the voice of his uncle, he immediately felt as if he had found his closest relative, and he was no longer as shy and nervous as he was in front of Xiao Ning.

Instead, he told Bai Yeyuan very respectfully and intimately: "Uncle, I have several children here who came to perform in the imperial capital because they were parties in Ning Ning's case in the past, and they are very grateful to Ning Ning. , I wanted to meet Ningning, so I wanted to save a dinner party and invite Ningning out for dinner... But I was embarrassed to tell Ningning, uncle, you know that I am a very thin-skinned person, and I was afraid that Ningning would refuse. I……"

Niu Bin's tone made him regard Bai Yeyuan as a close brother, and he just wanted to ask Bai Yeyuan how to pursue Xiao Ning.

Bai Yeyuan's eyes dimmed, and he glanced calmly at the little woman who had just taken a bath, was still completely unconscious, and was sitting by the window playing with her wet hair out of boredom.

Although he was unhappy when he saw other men being so attentive to Xiao Ning.

However, Ushibin is different.

Firstly, Niu Bin, a timid and stupid roe deer, has never pursued Xiao Ning head-on. Even if he did, Xiao Ning would definitely despise this kid; secondly, on the night of the Fengyun Award finals, it was Niu Bin who took the initiative. , tore off Fu Qingyun's mask in one fell swoop, and killed the biggest and most threatening love rival for him, which was considered a meritorious service.

Opponents like Fu Qingyun were the ones he needed to deal with.

And Ushihama... is just a horse boy, nothing to worry about.

Bai Yeyuan thought of this and decided to give Niubin a chance to have a party. He replied calmly: "Meet Xiao Ning? You are lucky, you are free tonight."

Niu Bin was so excited that he continued to ask for instructions from Bai Yeyuan excitedly while spinning in circles: "Thank you, uncle! May I ask uncle what kind of dishes you and Ning Ning like to eat? I'll book a restaurant right now. I promise to book the most luxurious and famous restaurant in the imperial capital!"

Bai Yeyuan said calmly: "No need. You bring the children to Bai's house. I will host a banquet for you at home."

Niu Bin was startled: "Little uncle, how can I let you treat me? This, I should pay for this..."

Bai Yeyuan became impatient: "Stop talking nonsense! If you want to come, come on time at six o'clock tonight."

Eating out is risky. Who knows if the tours Ushibin chose are reliable?

Nowadays, it is safest to hold a banquet at home.

Everything puts Xiao Ning's health first, and lets her meet her friends and have fun.

Maybe once she is happy, she will be willing to try a few more positions with him tonight?

Niu Bin heard that Bai Yeyuan actually wanted to host a banquet at Bai's house. He was so touched, so moved.

He nodded fiercely: "Come on, come on! Uncle, I, I..."

Bai Yeyuan has hung up the phone.

He still had half a sentence to say, uncle, you are really my uncle, I love you so much!

He was so moved and excited that he quickly reported the exciting news to the children.

Here, Bai Yeyuan looked at Xiao Ning's wet hair basking in the sun by the window, frowned and walked over: "You are so willful, why don't you blow dry your hair? The sun is so dim in winter, when can it be dried? What should I do if I catch a cold?"

Xiao Ning pouted: "I'm not stupid, so I catch a cold so easily? I'm in good health, okay..."

Bai Yeyuan frowned even more tightly: "You don't know how to take care of your own little thing! Are you so arrogant? Blow dry your hair quickly!"

Xiao Ning held her chin, lazily not wanting to move.

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