Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3006 Bai Yeyuan wouldn’t agree, right?

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The children, however, were very simple and innocent at heart, shaking their heads one after another: "You're not tired, Sister Ningning, you're not tired, the rehearsal is very fun! By the way, we have a show called 'Thousand-Hand Guanyin', it's beautiful, when the time comes you will Do you want to come and take a look? We really want you to see it!"

The topic suddenly turned to inviting Xiao Ning to watch the show, and the children became excited.

Each one danced and danced, describing how beautiful the "Thousand-Hand Guanyin" is and how precise coordination is required to achieve the effect of the "Thousand-Hands" opening together.

Xiao Ning listened and felt proud of these children with disabilities.

Fate had treated them badly, but they lived on with a smile, like strong little flowers and grass, which grew again and again in the spring breeze, and she felt a little ashamed.


Going to the show... Bai Yeyuan wouldn't agree, right?

Xiao Ning looked at Bai Yeyuan inquiringly.

Sure enough, Bai Yeyuan straightened his face, glanced at her belly, and raised his eyebrows coolly.

Xiao Ning caressed her belly helplessly. For the sake of Xiaomi Lier, she might have no choice but to cruelly refuse the children's request.


Unexpectedly, the children made a new request: "Sister Ning Ning, we have rehearsed the Thousand-Hand Guanyin program several times, but there is always one move that is not arranged well, that is, when Thousand-Hands transforms into a Guanyin Empress at the end, People standing in the front row are always not domineering enough, or too rude. To be honest, when it comes to dancing, a person must have a mixture of softness and domineering temperament to be suitable to stand in the first position in the last scene. Guanyin Empress has the most shocking effect! So... can you please ask sister Ning Ning to make a friendly guest appearance and come on stage to help us complete this action in the last scene?"

Let her perform on stage?

Xiao Ning was startled.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I'm terrible at dancing... I've never even danced..." Xiao Ning waved her hand.

She doesn't have any artistic talent. When she was in school, she would always sit in the audience and applaud at New Year's Day parties, Mid-Autumn Festival parties, graduation dances and other occasions.

Over there, Bai Yeyuan suddenly glanced at her coolly.

Never danced?

Bad at dancing?

Haha, little one, when you danced with Fu Qingyun, it made headlines in the newspapers. Have you forgotten? ? ?

Of course, Xiao Ning didn't know that Bai Yeyuan actually knew the history she had tried so hard to hide, so she just explained to the children: "I really can't dance, my dears, actually... I think Dahua is good, and Dahua leads the dance." Is it not good?"

Dahua covered her face: "Sister Ningning, they said that I don't look like Lady Guanyin when I stand in front, but instead look like the boy who spreads wealth next to Lady Guanyin!"

"Hahahaha!" Everyone roared with laughter.

Xiao Ning also pursed her lips and smiled helplessly.

But she probably doesn’t have the temperament of a lady either…

Unexpectedly, Bai Yeyuan suddenly approached her and whispered: "This is a good idea. You pretend to be a queen. I would like to see..."

Xiao Ning glanced at the man suspiciously, when did Bai Yeyuan become so serious? She seriously doubted that what he wanted to see wasn't the girly look, right?

She muttered: "Didn't you tell me not to go out casually recently?"

Bai Yeyuan narrowed his eyes: "How can something as serious as attending a charity performance be called 'going out casually'?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

It’s amazing how this man can change black and white at will!

Whatever he says is what he says!

Angrily, she pinched his leg under the table.

Bai Yeyuan chuckled: "If you want to go, I can just change the performance location. It's on a territory we have complete control over."

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