Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3008 She is a little shy

novel network

Bai Yeyuan held Xiao Ning's little hand tightly in his palm and looked at her for a moment.

When she was thirsty, he fed her soup.

When she cried, he handed her the paper.

I watched the servants behind me silently swallow countless amounts of hot dog food...

After the party that night, the charity foundation contacted the secretariat of the Bai Group and sent a senior dance teacher to Xiao Ning.

It was not convenient for Xiao Ning to tell her that she was pregnant, so she told her dance teacher that she had a waist injury and could not practice too strenuous or difficult movements.

Fortunately, Thousand-Hand Guanyin is a relatively gentle dance program, and Xiao Ning has been practicing yoga for pregnant women, so when the dance teacher guided her movements, she was very pleasantly surprised and praised Xiao Ning repeatedly for being the empress who appeared in the finale of the last scene. Suitable!

"That's right, you have the right temperament! I just need someone like you who is young but has stories and experiences to hold your own. How do you say that? Yes, your temperament is called salty and sweet. Pure and lustful, soft and aggressive, you must be in the C position!" the dance teacher concluded.

Salty and sweet?

Pure and lustful?

Both soft and aggressive?

Xiao Ning was confused by the series of unfamiliar adjectives from the dance teacher.

Although I don’t know what those words mean, but looking at the smile on the teacher’s face, they should be positive words, right?

The dance teacher was indeed right. She had only been to Bai's house three times, and Xiao Ning's movements were already decent and she was fully qualified for the final performance.

"Miss Ningning, Mr. Bai doesn't want you to go out to rehearse, but he may not know that all performances must be rehearsed at least three times before they start. I don't want to disobey his order, so I compromised. Do you think this is okay? On the day of the performance, two hours before the show officially starts, we will have the last rehearsal. Can you just participate in that one time? Otherwise, you will not participate in the rehearsal at all. Although your movements are very standard, I'm afraid I don’t know how to arrange the on-site movement and positioning, and if I don’t cooperate well with my companions, the stage effect will be a pity..."

Xiao Ning nodded: "I understand what you mean. I can just make some time in advance that day and go over to rehearse together. I'll just take care of Ye Yuan's side."

The dance teacher nodded gratefully: "Thank you, Miss Ningning! I believe that the performance that day will be very, very good!"

Xiao Ning didn't know whether the performance was great or not. She only knew that if she attended, the children would be inspired and happy.

These children have suffered too much, and she sincerely hopes to bring them more happiness.

She is not a Virgin, nor a philanthropic person, but she also has a baby, and understands a mother's love for her children better. She hopes to do her best to care for her children more, and to accumulate blessings for her baby by doing good deeds.

Speaking of which, she was pestered and messed up by Bai Yeyuan so many times during her pregnancy, and the baby was still so healthy. Does this mean that she is really a kind person and that God is blessing her baby? She thought a little shyly.


The day of the performance arrived quickly.

Bai Yeyuan was originally scheduled to arrive at the performance venue with Xiao Ning and watch the show with her. However, because Xiao Ning had to rehearse two hours in advance, she was escorted by Ye Yi and arrived at the performance venue first.

When they arrived at the place, Xiao Ning couldn't help but laugh: "Isn't this the office building of the Bai Group?"

Ye Yi replied respectfully: "In reply to Miss Ning Ning, the president thinks it is safer to hold the party on Bai's territory."

Xiao Ning: "..."

The big devil is really... foolproof. There was a security problem at the Empire State Building last time. This time Bai Yeyuan directly organized the event within his own group, so there would definitely be no problems.

Thinking of the tea party at the Empire State Building, Xiao Ning couldn't help but suddenly think of someone: Recently, it seems that Liu Rushi has not been seen for a long time...

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! Keep sending out sweets, I love you! 】

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