Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3016: There is a group of men staring at you! Yes or no?

Ye Yi was startled for a moment, as if he didn't expect Xiao Ning to know so much: "Yes, it's fixed."

Xiao Ning: "Then let's go!"

Ye Yi still stumbled forward to clear the way, protecting Xiao Ning through the crowds of people - they were leaving a little late now, there were too many spectators along the way.

Xiao Ning felt that Ye Yi was really straight-tempered, and he would do whatever he said without hesitation. He was quite stubborn. His arm was scratched by a female audience member's ring just now, and he didn't even see his eyebrows move.

Well, that's not right. Normally, Yoruichi is a guy who loves to joke, has rich expressions and a sense of humor.

Why are your eyebrows a little stiff today?

Sure enough, it was infected by Bai Yeyuan. Are you too nervous about today's security?

"Yorichi, wait!" She stopped at the side door.

Ye Yi's expression turned nervous as expected: "Miss Ning Ning, there are many people here, don't stop."

Xiao Ning chuckled: "It's my uncle's call. If you don't answer, he will lose his temper."

Yoruichi immediately stood up straight and said no more.

Xiao Ning stood at the side door where people were coming and going to answer Bai Yeyuan's call: "Uncle..."

Bai Yeyuan: "I heard that the rehearsal went well, huh?"

Xiao Ning smiled: "Yeah, it's okay."

Bai Yeyuan: "It's just okay? Why did I hear that all the men in the audience were staring at it? Are you wearing something that reveals a lot?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

What kind of impure thinking is this, the big devil!

She is playing the role of empress today, so her clothes are very decent, okay? !

Moreover, there were no men in the audience looking at him. What kind of random people were reporting this to him?

She pursed her lips: "Want to know? I want to know if you come and see it in person, and see if you can't take your eyes away - hum!"

Bai Yeyuan: "Wait! Oh, come down right now.


Xiao Ning: "Hey, the show hasn't started yet. Even if it starts, my show won't start for another hour. What are you in a hurry for?"

Bai Yeyuan whispered on the phone: "I feel very unhappy thinking about the way you are being stared at by a group of men now, and I can't wait."

Xiao Ning: "..."

Cough cough cough. Where are the men watching?

Aren’t there just some staff and directors? Most of them are women! female!

Bai Yeyuan didn't care about this. He only followed what he believed in: "Let Yeyi answer the phone."

Xiao Ning was helpless: "Ye Yi. My uncle is looking for you."

Yoruichi's body became even stiffer: "President!"

Bai Yeyuan: "Two things. First, contact the director immediately and mention the little thing's program as the first performance! Second, you stand still and don't move. I'm coming over now!"

Xiao Ning couldn't help but grab the microphone: "Uncle, I still need to go to the toilet!!!"

Do you want to suffocate her to death by keeping her still?

Bai Yeyuan: "Then hurry up and urinate. After peeing, wait for me at the door of the toilet!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

Yoruichi escorted her out of the side door and walked along the long corridor to the bathroom.

Xiao Ning listened to his call and implemented Bai Yeyuan's instructions, and really moved the "Thousand-Hand Guanyin" program to the first performance.

Okay, okay, as long as the big devil is happy, she doesn't care.

It would be nice for Dahua and the others to perform the show early and then rest and eat backstage.

Along the way, the lights in the corridor were bright, making it impossible to tell that there had been an explosion just now.

Xiao Ning held up her skirt and walked in a relaxed and happy mood.

"Miss Ning Ning, I'll wait for you outside." Ye Yi paused a few steps away from the bathroom.

Xiao Ning nodded: "Yeah."

She took a few steps toward the door of the women's restroom.

Suddenly look back! Dear Chief Sir

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