Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3019 I want to see her blown up with my own eyes

Even sometimes, he was a little hesitant between Liu Rushi and Ning Ning, not knowing which one the CEO should choose as the most suitable.

But this does not mean that he has any inappropriate thoughts about Liu Rushi!

Melinda's words are so heartbreaking!

If the CEO heard it, he would die a hundred times in one night!

Melinda's shrewd eyes, thickly coated with eye shadow, stared at Ye Yi momentarily.

When Yoruichi was stimulated by her words and became confused, she suddenly crushed the bead string in her hand!

Fine shards of gold burst out everywhere.

The gold powder even burst into Yoruichi's eyeballs, causing him to close his eyes in pain.

When he opened his eyes again, the remaining trace of clarity in his eyes disappeared.

Although his eyes were wide open, his pupils were completely shrunk to a thin line, his eyes were large and dull, and his whole person looked slightly dull.

Melinda reached out to take his gun away from her heart, then continued to turn the remaining bead in her hand and murmured: "I am your friend, it is only right for you to listen to my advice."

Ye Yi said blankly: "You are my friend, I listen to you..."

Melinda: "Go out and tell the people in the night department that you didn't find any suspicious people in the bathroom, no enemies, and no spies. The light was broken by yourself. There was a problem with the wiring. You were overthinking it just now. It was you." wrong!"

Ye Yi dumbly repeated: "I thought too much, I was wrong..."

Melinda continued: "Take the explosive liquid in my hand. Then, go to the security room and get the following explosive materials... take them to the bathroom and give them to me."

Yoruichi: "I'll get the materials...and give them to you..."

Melinda patted his head with satisfaction: "Good boy, yes, you are very smart. After I complete the explosive device and I retreat, you go back and ask that little bitch Xiao Ning to come to the bathroom. Remember. Stay here, you have to see her die with your own eyes before you can leave. Haha, she still wants to act as a queen at the party and seduce Bai Yeyuan? Let her dream! Bai Yeyuan is the person we want to use, but because of her many times And ruined our plan, her existence is too much in the way! We can't kidnap her, we can only kill her! Today's party,

There will be no beginning or ending, because I will end it early! "

Yoruichi sounded a little confused and looked stupid: "End it in advance...end it..."

Melinda curled her lips and smiled: "Very good, the hypnosis was successful!"

Immediately, she pushed Ye Yi out of the door.

And she closed the door, carefully put on a thicker makeup in front of the mirror, even reversed her clothes, put on a wig, and immediately looked like a different person.

She waited for Yoruichi to come back and bring her blasting tools.

She could use hypnosis to sneak in from the most inconspicuous doorstep two days in advance and hide in the bathroom to keep a low profile.

But there was no way she could bring in large demolition equipment or powerful micro-explosives.

Because each of the above weapons cannot escape machine monitoring and detection.

She can hypnotize humans, but not machines.

However, the detection machines on Bai Yeyuan's site are the most advanced in the world, and in order to ensure Xiao Ning's safety, he has installed such high-tech detection machines in almost every corner of the building, making danger everywhere. Unable to hide.

Without explosive devices, it would be useless for her to sneak in!

There was no way she could hypnotize dozens of bodyguards around Xiao Ning at the same time! Dear Chief Sir

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