Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3025: It’s useless to beg, don’t go!

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These disabled young actors, who have limited legs and feet and are small in stature, walk very slowly and with difficulty. They finally helped each other and supported each other to the escape door, but they were chased by the tall and powerful people from behind. The male spectators were pushed aside.

Quite helpless!

One of them, a three-year-old child, was even pushed to the bottom of everyone's feet during the pushing, and was almost trampled to death by the adults rushing behind him.

Fortunately, Big Eyes and Quick Hands quickly gave him a hand, and the child survived.

In the blink of an eye, Dahua and the children were squeezed to the end by the crowd.

In the face of the catastrophe, few people care about respecting the elderly, caring for the young, and taking care of women.

If this situation continues, I am afraid that children will be the first people to be swallowed up by the tongues of fire.

Xiao Ning saw this and felt anxious.

She tugged on Bai Yeyuan's sleeve and whispered, "Uncle, can you wait for me?"

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "What to do?"

Xiao Ning was a little surprised: "I think..."

She gritted her teeth and confessed her thoughts: "I want to remind everyone to make way for children and women first. Otherwise, all these children will be buried here."

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "I don't want to care about others. Let me take you out first!"

Little thing, if you wait any longer, she will be the last one to leave, and she will be buried here!

Xiao Ning caressed her belly: "Uncle, they are no one else. They are all the children I rescued from the abyss one by one. I really don't want to see them lose their lives after just living a normal life for a few days. This makes me feel that everything I have done before is in vain. Uncle, just let me take the microphone and say a few words and then leave?"

She looked at the microphone on the stage.

Just now, the crystal chandelier fell and was knocked out of his hand, rolling to the middle of the stage.

They were still about ten meters away from the edge of the stage where they were standing now.

Honestly, it looks close, actually,

Quite far!

Because at this moment, on the ten-meter-long road, things were being smashed from the ceiling, and the ground was ablaze. You can imagine how difficult it was to walk there.

But if she didn't go to get the microphone, she knew she wouldn't be able to get through it. She saw the suffering of the children and couldn't turn a blind eye. She had to shout out and let those people give the children a way out.

Bai Yeyuan's eyes were extremely cold: "Don't go!"

Xiao Ning bit her lip, the water in her eyes was about to fall, and it was misty: "Little uncle...please..."

The way she begged was serious and stubborn.

It was more of a determination than a plea.

She really wanted to save those poor disabled children.

Bai Yeyuan stared at her three times and flatly refused: "It's useless to beg, don't go!"

He held her body tightly to prevent her from acting privately.

Xiao Ning's heart felt as if she fell from heaven to hell in an instant. She knew that Bai Yeyuan cared about her body and Xiaomi Er, but she didn't expect Bai Yeyuan to refuse so simply.

She wanted to be angry with him, but she couldn't get angry - the man was obviously here to save her, how could she bear to lose her temper?

But thinking about the children, she was restless. Even if she knew that Bai Yeyuan would transport her properly, she couldn't be happy.

Just as I was feeling uncomfortable, suddenly, a man's sharp and melancholy voice sounded in my ears——

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