Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3034: Arrest Liu Rushi first!

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Bai Yeyuan raised his eyes lightly: "Say."

Yoruichi trembled her lips: "President, that woman just now...Melinda, it's her, she made the explosives!"

Ye Yiyi told Bai Yeyuan all the fragments that he could remember.

However, he still racked his brains and couldn't figure out why he followed Melinda's instructions to do those things.

He was almost possessed.

He could only keep repenting: "President, I'm sorry, I was really fooled by her and couldn't control myself, so I committed the wrong thing..."

Bai Yeyuan pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Mind control."

Yoruichi didn't understand: "Mind control? Poisoning?"

Bai Yeyuan narrowed his eyes: "Melinda is a psychiatrist. She should be very skilled in mind control techniques. It may not be poisoning, there are other methods."

Yoruichi shuddered.

It turns out that psychiatrists are so scary.

The doctors in his impression were either great pharmacists like Miss Qiqi, who had profound medical skills, deep medical ethics, and benevolent doctors, or they were cute, smart, and full of justice little veterinarians like Miss Ningning.

Where have I seen a devilish woman like Melinda?

However, now that he has identified the real culprit, even if it is a terrifying demon woman, he will bring her to justice and pay for her blood debt!

"President, I beg you, let me capture her with my own hands! Give me a chance to atone for my sins!" Ye Yi knelt down and prayed.

Bai Yeyuan sat on the executive chair, his face gloomy and a little cold: "Based on your current situation, do you think you can catch him?"

Ye Yi lowered his eyes, and he, who had never lost his face with a playful smile, burst into tears: "President, if I don't catch this cunning woman, I, Ye Yi, will never be a human being! I am willing to fall into the realm of animals in the next life!"

Bai Yeyuan was silent for a moment: "Remember, this is not an opportunity for redemption that I gave you. It was Ningning who asked for it for you."

Ye Ye's eyes heated up, and she kowtowed to Bai Yeyuan again.

He won't forget,

He was not executed on the spot, and he survived to this day only because Miss Ning Ning desperately begged the CEO in front of everyone to give him a chance to live and atone for his sins.

He kowtowed to Bai Yeyuan three times before limping out of the door.

Behind him, Bai Yeyuan's cool voice came out faintly: "Let Yesi go with you."

Ye's eyes felt hot again.

Even though the president is cold, he still thinks about these brothers when it comes to life and death.

Ye Yi couldn't help but turned around and kowtowed to Bai Yeyuan with tears in her eyes.

Bai Yeyuan waved his hand impatiently: "You're crying like a girl, get out of here! Don't you remember this time? What's the end of being soft-hearted to a woman you don't care about!"


Ye Yi rushed to the hotel where Melinda was staying, but it was still a step too late.

Melinda has already checked out and left.

It's not that easy to find someone in Nuo Da's imperial capital city.

What's more, if Melinda returns to China, it will be even more troublesome.

Ye Si helped him block people at the dock station and airport, but got nothing.

Melinda disappeared.

It was not easy to identify the real culprit, but the real culprit ran faster than a rabbit! !

what to do?

A group of brothers who came to help felt uncomfortable and pitiful in their hearts when they looked at Yoichi's burned face.

Ye Yi calmly lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, and the thoughtful and capable Boss Ye returned to him!

He made a prompt decision: "Go and blockade Liu Rushi's residence! Control Liu Rushi first, they are probably in the same group!"

Someone hesitated: "Liu Rushi? Isn't that the president's previous woman? Will the president agree? What if the president is unhappy?"

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