Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3039 The extremely venomous Bai Yeyuan

? Liu Rushi’s wound this time was mainly on her wrist. After first aid, it has been sutured, leaving only a few deep suture scars.

A nurse was busy helping her transfuse blood, and blood from the blood bank was being supplied continuously.

Logically speaking, Liu Rushi should wake up.

However, her eyelashes were tightly closed and she remained motionless, as if she had passed away.

Bai Yeyuan waited for a while, thinking about Xiao Ning in the lounge. He didn't know if she had snacks while drinking tea, and whether those snacks were to her liking. He also planned to finish the things here early and take her out to have some snacks. What do you like to eat?

He couldn't help but frown and said, "When will the patient wake up?"

The doctor then cautiously suggested, "President, maybe you hold her hand gently and talk to her for a while. She may be encouraged to wake up earlier."

Bai Yeyuan frowned even more tightly, "I don't want to shake hands. Is there any other way?"

Yoruichi, who was standing behind him, twitched, and his burnt face showed a slightly rich expression for the first time. ""

President, you are so venomous that you show no mercy at all.

The doctor was very embarrassed, "Mr. President, this situation is similar to waking up a vegetative state. It depends on the care and encouragement of family members. Only then can the patient strengthen his will to survive in a coma and wake up as soon as possible."

Bai Yeyuan said coldly, "I'm not a family member."


Oops, there is really no way to talk to the CEO.

Seeing the scene, Yoruichi froze, coughed, and came out to smooth things over. "What our president means is, is there any other way that doesn't require physical contact?"

The doctor suddenly realized, "Oh, yes. Well, you just need to tell more about your warm past, or make some heart-warming promises to her. By the way, once a man's girlfriend was unconscious in a car accident, and the man If you keep whispering love words in her ear, and also agree on a date to marry her, buy her a wedding dress, and hold a wedding, then your girlfriend really wakes up."

The doctor said seriously, completely unaware that Bai Yeyuan's entire face turned dark.

He just felt that as he was talking, the air around him was getting cold. Could it be that the air conditioner was broken?

Bai Yeyuan interrupted him with an unhappy tone, "Shut up. Get another doctor."


The poor doctor was laid off for no apparent reason.

The new doctor was more discerning and did not make any inappropriate suggestions. Instead, he wisely asked Bai Yeyuan, "President, look, is there anything between you and Miss Liu Rushi that can cause her mood swings? No matter what it is." , as long as it can stimulate her mood, it will also help her wake up early. Of course, a good mood may recover better, and a bad mood may have some sequelae."

When Ye Yi heard this, the doctor was very clever. He did not tell Bai Yeyuan not to use bad news to stimulate Liu Rushi. Instead, he revealed all the methods and let Bai Yeyuan choose by himself. How cunning.

Sure enough, Bai Yeyuan was very satisfied after hearing this.

He took the initiative to sit in front of the chair on the hospital bed, slightly approached Liu Rushi, keeping an arm's distance, and spoke coldly

"Liu Rushi, you'd better wake up quickly. Otherwise I won't collect your body. I heard that Liu Ruyin is still alive. Although she is disabled, she is still alive. After you die, the eldest lady of the Liu family is Liu Ruyin, so Your friendship with Liu Ruyin, she will definitely crush you to ashes and remove you from the Liu family's genealogy. Think about it with your brain, and get out of here."

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