Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3043 I’m not worthy of being her bodyguard

? If Ye Yi hadn’t been prepared early in the morning and ordered everyone to be covered in thick body armor from head to toe, I’m afraid the losses would have been heavy this time.

Yoruichi rushed ahead. He had already nearly died once in an explosion. This time, he was not afraid at all. He directly lifted Melinda, who had been burned to charcoal, out of the center of the explosion, and then retreated with his teammates.

Fire trucks were in place to evacuate other residents of the apartment.

It was because Yoruichi and the others had cracked the password door locks of all the rooms before, which inadvertently facilitated the rescue of the residents by the firefighters. Except for Melinda's death, the other residents had no injuries and no casualties, and the fire was quickly put out. .

ten minutes later.

Bai Yeyuan got the report——

Yoruichi: "President, Melinda detonated the explosive. Her whole body has been blown up beyond recognition. We are trying to save her, but I'm afraid... I can't save her."

Bai Yeyuan frowned: "Are there any other clues in her room?"

Yoruichi: "Yes, there is a safe with some contact notes from country S government executives locked inside... Could it be that she is a spy sent by country S?"

Bai Yeyuan's face was cold: "Not necessarily. What you see may not be the truth."

Ye Yi was a little depressed: "President, Melinda was burned like this. The person behind the scenes can't be confessed. I... my innocence can't be cleared either. I'm willing to be imprisoned and self-punished to atone for my sin..."

Bai Yeyuan was noncommittal: "Save Melinda's things for now, and send people to the hospital to see if she is dead. When you come back, bring more people with you, and double the strength of the guards for Ning Ning in the future."

Ye Yi was silent for a moment, and her voice was choked: "President! I'm sorry for you. I didn't take good care of Miss Ning Ning. I...I don't deserve to continue to be her bodyguard..."

Yoruichi snorted coldly: "As long as you are self-aware. Stop talking nonsense, she begged you to keep your life. Follow her, and your life will be hers from now on. Do you understand?!"

Yoruichi knows the rules of the Yabu and never gives a second chance to team members who make big mistakes and hurt their own people.

So he was able to stay by Xiao Ning's side to protect him this time, which was definitely an act of mercy outside the law.

Yoruichi choked with sobs: "Yes! My subordinates know!"

Liu Rushi was on the hospital bed,

He strained his ears to listen to Bai Yeyuan's voice on the phone by the window.

Although I don't listen very carefully, I can guess a few things.

They found Melinda.

But Melinda committed suicide by detonating explosives.

Haha, she knew that Melinda would definitely not fall into Bai Yeyuan's hands.

Because their organization has rules, once the mission fails and is caught by the enemy, they must commit suicide.

The master said that if you don't have explosives and weapons, you can commit suicide by biting your tongue, or committing suicide by crushing the poison capsule hidden in the gap between your last teeth.

In short, we must not fall into the hands of the enemy alive.

Because, under cruel torture, no one can guarantee that they will not reveal the secrets of the organization!

Therefore, Liu Rushi was not actually afraid that they would find Melinda. She even hoped that they would find her and saw Melinda committing suicide out of fear of crime.

In this way, the suspicion on her side was reduced a bit.

Without any evidence, no matter how suspicious Ye Yi and Bai Yeyuan were, they would never be able to put their suspicions to rest.

What's more, she was the one who provided them with clues about Melinda's residence, so she had made a great contribution.


Melinda is dead, and Liu Rushi's status in the teacher's sect has risen a step further. She really kills two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone! If you want to chat about "Dear Chief Sir" with more like-minded people, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to chat about life and find close friends~

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