Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3050: I can’t bear to see Xiao Ning suffer a little grievance

? Chapter 3052 I can’t bear to see Xiao Ning suffer a little grievance

Xiao Ning frowned and thought, she had never heard of such a powerful drug in her life, so how could she give it to Liu Rushi?

When Xiao Ning, her young master, wanted to deal with Liu Rushi, he did it with a real sword and a spear. When had he ever played dirty tricks?

What's going on with this poison? Who laid it?

Could it be that the thief was shouting to catch the thief?

She observed A Zhu's expression. That maid had always been protective of Liu Rushi to the point of exaggeration and perversion.

But the anger and hatred really don't seem to be fake.

In other words, A Zhu truly believed that Xiao Ning was the one who poisoned her, not that they were slandering her.

This is strange.

A cloud of confusion appeared in Xiao Ning's mind.

She always felt that there was some link that she had not noticed or missed, and no guesswork could explain the current situation.

She thought for a while: "How are you sure that I added the medicine?"

A Zhu: "You sent this flower, and no one else has touched it since it was delivered! And the poison tablets are hidden in the stems and are released every day! We checked the surveillance and found that except for your two visits, there are no outsiders in this ward. Came in!"

Xiao Ning narrowed her eyes: "Didn't Melinda come in?"

A Zhu was speechless.

But then she said confidently: "No! Every time Dr. Melinda comes, she checks, prescribes, and treats the young lady in the treatment room next door. She has never entered the young lady's ward because she dislikes the smell of disinfectant in the ward. It’s too heavy! If you don’t believe it, you can check the monitoring system! Ask the nurse on duty!”

The nurse present nodded honestly: "I don't know anything else, but Melinda has never entered Miss Liu's room. I know that."

Xiao Ning's brows deepened.

Melinda has never been to Liu Rushi's ward?

This alibi is really perfect!


The one on the left is not present, and the one on the right is not under surveillance. I would like to ask, how many doctors and nurses come in and out of a mental illness ward every day, and no one else has the opportunity to hide pills in the flowers? Why are you wrongly accusing my girl Ning Ning! "

Yoruichi, who hurriedly came back from running outside, rushed into the crowd wearing a mask and hat.

At first glance, I saw Xiao Ning being surrounded by everyone and being embarrassed and slandered.

He had just experienced the pain of being slandered when someone was innocent, and could not defend himself at all. At this moment, he felt the same pain.

I can’t bear to see Xiao Ning feel a little wronged!

He didn't know that Bai Yeyuan kept silent because he promised Xiao Ning not to talk nonsense. He didn't care about Bai Yeyuan's thoughts anymore and couldn't help but blurt out immediately to help Xiao Ning question the director of the psychiatry department and A Zhu!

Xiao Ning turned around, glanced at Ye Yi gratefully, and then waved her hand: "It's okay, I'll come."

Yoruichi is not familiar with medicine and doesn't know how twists and turns these people have in their intestines.

Sure enough, the next second, A Zhu looked at Ye Yi sarcastically: "What do you know as a bodyguard! How much does this piece of XP cost? You can't afford it in your lifetime! One piece is tens of millions of dollars!"

Everyone’s pupils shrank! All silent!

Tens of millions of dollars, that’s hundreds of millions.

Sure enough, poisoning and other such things are also games that only rich people can afford to play!

Yoruichi was choked and couldn't answer.

God, after all, he was someone who followed the big CEO around the mall, but even with all his imagination, he never imagined that this little pill could be worth hundreds of millions.

A Zhu continued proudly: "You are so poor and ignorant! This pill was developed by a top international laboratory. It is not available on the market and ordinary people cannot buy it. Even psychiatrists can only hear about it. Son... do you think any doctor or nurse in this hospital has the capital to get 100 million worth of poison to poison my eldest daughter? Not to mention how much hatred there is, where did they get the money?"

Yoruichi: "..."


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