Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3076: What I did for you back then [must read]

Liu Rushi couldn't believe what she heard.

She asked with trembling lips: "Ye Yuan, you must be joking, right? You won't really let me go... How can you be willing to let me go..."

Bai Yeyuan's cold eyes showed no trace of "reluctance" at all.

His cold lips slightly lifted, decisively shattering her last illusion: "Get out now! Don't wait for my people to take action, otherwise, I don't guarantee how they will expel you."

Liu Rushi shuddered.

Those deported by the Bai family may not even be able to take a normal plane, and will have to smuggle themselves out of the country, which is a dead end.

Could it be that even if she went out of her way to mutilate her body like this and cut off A Zhu's hands, she couldn't make Bai Yeyuan feel any pity for her?

Liu Rushi closed her eyes.

The doctor next to him was even more frightened and didn't know what to do.

It was agreed that they would only delay five minutes and let them continue to operate on Liu Rushi, but it seemed that the CEO did not give Liu Rushi a chance to operate at all.

Miss Liu didn't know how long she could survive just because of the blood loss. It seemed that the CEO didn't care about her life at all.

Liu Rushi knew that she would never be able to reverse Bai Yeyuan's decision.

When she opened her eyes again, her eyes were much calmer, and her tone was as gentle and virtuous as ever: "Ye Yuan, I understand, I won't make it difficult for you. I, I will leave right away. I will go to the airport and catch the nearest bus. I will take a flight back to my country, and from now on, I will never set foot in the empire again without your permission... But I have one last request..."

Xiao Ning felt a knot in her heart when she heard Liu Rushi had any "last request".

Just leave if you want, what else do you ask for?

Why does this woman have so many tricks?

Just listen to Liu Rushi pleading: "Ye Yuan, I wrongly blamed A Zhu and caused her such serious harm. Can I wait for her wound to be sutured before leaving?"

The doctors and nurses all nodded secretly.

I feel that Liu Rushi is really a kind and kind person when she is awake, even though she is really scary and crazy when she is sick.

However, Bai Yeyuan did not relent: "No! Get out now!"

Liu Rushi's eyelashes trembled.

I didn’t expect Bai Yeyuan to be so hard to impress.

Not only was it difficult to impress, but he was also stingy about giving her one more second. Bai Yeyuan had already put his arm around Xiao Ning, waved his hand impatiently, and said to Ye: "You handle it! Let her go."

Liu Rushi pursed her lips, seized the last chance, and begged loudly: "Ye Yuan, please, let me stay for half an hour, or at most an hour until A Zhu's surgery is completed, okay? I promise I won't be there. Don’t go, don’t mess with anything, wuwu...Ye Yuan, please, just for the sake of what happened twenty years ago, my innocence was destroyed, but I helped you preserve it..."

As soon as the words "Help you stay safe" were spoken, Bai Yeyuan's slender body suddenly felt cold!

Xiao Ning, who was closest to him, felt it most clearly.

She felt that the warm palm holding her little hand suddenly became cold!

"Shut up!" Bai Yeyuan yelled angrily, "Take your maid and get out of here! You need to have surgery, do it on the plane!"

He stopped Liu Rushi from pleading and brought the matter to an end.

Even Liu Rushi's bargaining failed to stay in the imperial capital for one more hour.

Under Ye Yi's personal supervision, the crippled Liu Rushi and the unconscious A Zhu were lying on stretchers. They were both carried onto a plane flying abroad, and two doctors were brought in to randomly operate on them.

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