Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3095 Bai Yeyuan stared at her with disgust

Staring at her for the third time

But Bai Yeyuan had already heard the creaking on the bed behind him, as if Xiao Ning was turning over.

He hung up the phone neatly: "Let's talk tomorrow!"

He's putting his little one to sleep and has no interest in work!

Go back to bed.

As expected, Xiao Ning's little body turned out from under the quilt.

Maybe it was too thick and too hot. She kicked the quilt into a mess, and her whole body was spread out, and her feet were almost hanging to the ground.

That sleeping appearance was so messy and messy that it was almost impossible to see.

Bai Yeyuan wrinkled his nose in disgust and stared at this little thing who had a bad sleeping posture.

But the next second, he took a deep breath, patiently moved her back to the middle of the bed, and covered her with a light blanket, protecting her in his arms to prevent her from rolling around on the bed.

At first, Xiao Ning was still kicking her legs and waving her arms, protesting in her sleep.

Later, she didn't know whether it was because Bai Yeyuan's body temperature was comfortable or because his arms were strong and strong. In the end, she stopped fussing and obediently found the most appropriate posture and position in his arms, and fell asleep happily and peacefully. .

Throughout the night, she finally didn't fall out of bed or kick the quilt.


What is supposed to come will always come.

Jonson came over at breakfast the next day.

Jonson came to talk about what was left unfinished on the phone last night in person.

However, while he was talking, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Ning.

He was really curious. This woman was really beautiful, but how could she be able to charm Bai Yeyuan to such an extent?

He couldn't help but stop talking about business and commented: "It's not very big."

His eyes glanced at Xiao Ning's collar.

Bai Yeyuan's face turned dark: "If you look again, I'll dig out your eyes first!"

Jonson stuck out his tongue: "Seriously! My sister is better than her.

Most of the time, I haven’t seen your heart move. "

Bai Yeyuan had a dark face and sneered: "It's too big to be worthy of!"

Jonson pouted: "Tch!"

Bai Yeyuan said calmly: "Tight."

Jonson's ears perked up, full of gossip: "Really? Really?"

Where is it tight?

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "Didn't you say there was something 'urgent'? If you don't tell me, I will go shopping with my little one!"

Damn, it turned out that it was an important matter, which made Jonson excited for a long time in vain.

He continued to talk about official matters listlessly: "It's the Silver Leopard mercenary group who wants to interfere in our business..."

Bai Yeyuan frowned: "Didn't I say that we would never choose a mercenary group as a partner?"

He himself has the power in this area, so there is no need to compete with others in the industry and introduce partners with the same qualifications.

Jonson spread his hands: "Yes, I have always rejected them like this. But you have also seen that they have never given up. They have shown their kindness many times overtly, and secretly sent people to the empire to assassinate you several times, trying to deprive you of your control over the group. control, so that they can support their puppets to rise to power in the Bai family, and then cooperate with them..."

Bai Yeyuan sneered: "With all their tricks, don't they always hit a wall and fail?"

Jonson shrugged: "That's right. I heard that there were several accidents and car accidents in the Empire a while ago, all caused by their people."

Bai Yeyuan: "Yeah."

He was too lazy to hear about this stupid mercenary group.

Didn’t he teach them a lesson in the empire?

Moreover, during that time, the guards were strengthened to protect Xiao Ning, because they did not want Xiao Ning's existence to be discovered by them and make a fuss.

After several battles, the other party was defeated and returned without any advantage.

Bai Yeyuan thought they had stopped, but unexpectedly they were still jumping around.

Jonson: "But, Bai, you must not have thought that this time they have used new tricks to deal with you!!!"

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