Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3101 Get out! ! I don't need you to care!

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at the same time.

Liu Rushi stood outside the bathroom with a somewhat uneasy expression.

Wringing her fingers, she looked at Bai Yeyuan nervously.

In fact, before Xiao Ning opened the door, she missed the conversation between Liu Rushi and Bai Yeyuan for dozens of seconds.

Because she closed the door tightly and leaned against the back of the door, she did not hear the first few words of conversation between Liu Rushi and Bai Yeyuan——

"Ye Yuan, wait for me. I finally came to the city and I accidentally heard that you got into a lawsuit in your business. I'm so worried about you!"

Liu Rushi trotted, chasing Bai Yeyuan's footsteps.

In fact, she had no chance to enter Bai Yeyuan's room.

In the lobby, she was stopped by Yoruichi's men, who refused to let her take the elevator upstairs.

She had no choice but to pretend to be sick and faint there. Oops, a group of bodyguards were all grown men. As long as she didn't go upstairs to harass the president, it would be hard for everyone to touch her and carry her out.

She relied on this trick and wasted her time until Bai Yeyuan went downstairs to meet Xiao Ning for dinner.

She saw Bai Yeyuan's tall and handsome figure as soon as he came out of the elevator.

In an instant, he no longer felt dizzy or sick, and he was in great spirits. He jumped up from the sofa in the lobby like a cannonball, hunched over to avoid the interception of the bodyguards, and rushed straight towards Bai Yeyuan.

But Bai Yeyuan ignored her and walked straight towards the restaurant.

So she had to walk and talk.

The words are deep and the feelings are deep.

However, Bai Yeyuan turned a blind eye to her "worry": "I don't need your concern, get out!"

It can be said to be very cold and ruthless.

Liu Rushi could hardly save her face. As a woman, she chased after a man to apologize for her smile, but the man scolded her to "get lost". Even a woman couldn't bear it. She wanted to faint from crying, right?

Unfortunately, Liu Rushi is not an ordinary woman.

Her face turned pale,

He staggered a bit, but his steps didn't stop.

Continue to chase Bai Yeyuan: "Ye Yuan, please give me three minutes. Just three minutes, okay? I know you are anxious to see Miss Xiao Ning, I won't disturb you, and I will never talk nonsense in front of her. I’ll just talk for three minutes and then I’ll leave, I promise!”

As soon as Xiao Ning was mentioned, Bai Yeyuan stopped dead in his tracks.

He turned around and glanced at Liu Rushi uncertainly.

He hated Liu Rushi going to see Xiao Ning.

Who knows if this woman's mouth is reliable or not.

If Liu Rushi talks about what happened back then, Xiao Ning will definitely be hit hard and cannot bear it.

He couldn't allow this to happen.

His eyes were dark for a long time, and he said coldly: "I'll give you a minute. Hurry up!"

After saying that, he took a few steps towards the quiet restroom, deliberately avoiding the crowds and the restaurant.

"Yeah, thank you for listening to me, Ye Yuan!" Liu Rushi felt happy.

As long as Bai Yeyuan gives her a chance to speak.

She must have the ability to convince Bai Yeyuan to agree to let her represent his case and help him settle this crisis.

And she can also take the opportunity of this case to get closer to his life again, and his heart...

Bai Yeyuan had no reason to refuse such a powerful and attractive resource that she brought.

After all, she could even help him with the Justice.

Liu Rushi started her statement with excitement.

Those are the two paragraphs that Xiao Ning heard when she opened the door.

She spoke of her legal advantages and nationality advantages.

Then she used her trump card - the chief judge was her cousin.

She was sure that Bai Yeyuan would not refuse.


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