Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3104: Fight against the evil hypnotism!

? Xiao Ning has never been exposed to any sorcery, so naturally she doesn't know that Liu Rushi's bead string on her wrist is very particular.

This is not the jewelry that ordinary girls use to decorate.

It is one of the professional hypnosis tools used by hypnotists.

Some hypnotists like to use crystal balls to appear mysterious and arrogant;

Some hypnotists like to use pocket watches to appear approachable;

In order to hide their identities, some use small items that are difficult to detect. Like Liu Rushi, if she wears a pearl bracelet, no one will notice anything strange.

The same goes for her senior sister Melinda.

At this moment, Liu Rushi was turning the string of beads on her wrist, quietly affecting Xiao Ning's attention and brain's judgment.

Xiao Ning originally felt that Liu Rushi and Bai Yeyuan were talking outside the door, which was very suspicious, and it may not be true what they heard.

But Liu Rushi's magic was to destroy the doubts in her mind, and to make her believe the lies Liu Rushi had fabricated!

There seemed to be a string in Xiao Ning's mind that was fighting fiercely with an invisible force...

Liu Rushi found that the effect of hypnosis on Xiao Ning was too slow. After all, the two people were standing in a straight line washing their hands instead of facing each other. Her string of beads did not fully enter Xiao Ning's field of vision.

If you want to completely hypnotize Xiao Ning, you must use more exciting things to shake her!

Liu Rushi thought for a moment and glanced at Xiao Ning's slightly swollen belly. She no longer talked about her involvement in Bai Yeyuan's case, but changed the topic and continued: "Miss Xiao Ning, I heard that your belly..."

The words are not finished yet.


There was a series of knocks on the door.

"Dong dong——!"

"Dong dong——!"

The next second, Ye Yi's voice hurriedly sounded outside the door: "Miss Ningning? Miss Ningning, are you still in there? Are you okay?"

Ye Yi's voice was like a sharp sword, cutting off the confusion in Xiao Ning's mind. She suddenly woke up a little, glanced at Liu Rushi indifferently, stopped listening to her, and faced the door. Go.

Liu Rushi raised her eyebrows. Ye Yi was outside the door. She definitely couldn't hypnotize Xiao Ning anymore.

In this case...

Then let’s find a chance to talk about it.

She took a few steps forward.

Although the hamstring was severed, he was rescued in time and has fully recovered. However, he walks with a slight limp, which makes him appear weak and pitiful.

She took out a business card from her bag and stuffed it into Xiao Ning's hand: "Miss Ning Ning, if you encounter any problems, you can call me."

Xiao Ning refused coldly: "No need."

However, Liu Rushi flipped her wrist and very skillfully put the business card directly into Xiao Ning's pocket: "No, maybe you need me sometimes. Especially... when you need to know who I was many years ago. And Ye Yuan..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Ning frowned and opened the bathroom door.

Liu Rushi couldn't speak anymore and ducked into the compartment inside.

She didn't want to be discovered by Yoruichi.

Anyway, she always hinted what should be hinted. One day, Xiao Ning will take the initiative to come to her, haha.

outside the door.

When Ye Yi saw Xiao Ning appearing, she finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Miss Ning Ning, you are worried about me. I'm afraid..."

Xiao Ning: "I just went to the bathroom, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Yi hesitated to speak: "I'm... that one. I saw that the president has arrived, and I'm afraid he can't find you to worry about..." If you want to chat about "Dear Chief Sir" with more like-minded people, follow us on WeChat "Youdu Literary", chatting about life and looking for close friends~

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