Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3112 If your posture is wrong, it will hurt!

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Bai Yeyuan put his big hands around Xiao Ning's waist.

Xiao Ning is now more than five months pregnant, and her lower abdomen is already somewhat obvious, but strangely, from behind, her figure is still so slim, like a girl, and people can't help but feel thirsty just looking at her.

Bai Yeyuan breathed a little deeper, and stroked her body with his other big palm: "Little one, tonight..."

That thought just took hold.

How could I have expected that!

Xiao Ning nimbly ducked to the side: "No."

How could she be in the mood to do that kind of thing with Bai Yeyuan?

Today, she bumped into Liu Rushi in the women's restroom and overheard the conversation between Bai Yeyuan and Liu Rushi, letting her know that Liu Rushi would be involved in Bai Yeyuan's case. This fact made her feel very unhappy.

Does the stinky man still have the intention to torment her at this moment?

Humph, I won’t accompany you!

Bai Yeyuan could not guess what Xiao Ning was thinking at this moment. He thought she was shy as before.

So the man curled his lips mischievously and put his big palm under her skirt: "I haven't spent much time with you in the past two days. I'm here to make you feel comfortable tonight."

Xiao Ning rolled her eyes in her heart: "..."

Who wants to be comfortable? Please stop confusing right and wrong, okay?

She refused righteously: "Don't move!"

Bai Yeyuan noticed something was wrong: "Little thing, if you don't let me move, who do you want to move? Huh?"

Xiao Ning knew that she couldn't compete with him, and she couldn't defeat him with her strength. She might suffer a loss if she continued to persist.

So, she raised her eyebrows, her tone suddenly dropped, and she said twice: "Hiss - it hurts so much... I don't want to tonight... it hurts even if I move!"

She held her waist and called softly.

Bai Yeyuan was slightly startled.

He put away his evil look and became solemn: "Let me see. What's going on? Is it twisted at the waist?"

He lifted up her skirt,

The fair skin is exposed.

But this time, there was no evil thought in his eyes, only concern.

However, Xiao Ning's skin was very smooth and clean, without any bruises or swelling. Bai Yeyuan glanced at it a few times, a little suspicious: "Where is the pain? Why didn't you complain about back pain during dinner just now?"

Xiao Ning's face turned slightly red.

Damn, who knew this guy was so serious? She pretended to be in pain and needed to get some evidence?

In order to escape tonight's "bed labor", she had to pretend it was hard: "I didn't say I had back pain. I had a separation of the pubic symphysis, and the pubic bone hurts here."

Bai Yeyuan also knew a lot about medicine. Hearing this, his face became more solemn: "The pubic symphysis separated so quickly? Is it painful?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ning dodged her eyes and dealt with it.

Pregnant women generally reach the late stage, especially in the days before giving birth, when the small bones in the crotch are particularly prone to pain that becomes unbearable. In severe cases, they may even be unable to sleep.

The reason is that the position of the pubic symphysis is separated and the nerve is compressed causing pain.

But Xiao Ning was less than six months pregnant, and she was already in such a serious condition. Bai Yeyuan couldn't help but feel nervous!

He carefully examined her legs, but after all, he was not a professional obstetrician, and he couldn't see why: "I asked Professor Zhou Mi to come over and take a look."

Xiao Ning waved her hands quickly: "No more at night! I don't have pain all day long, but sometimes my posture is wrong and it suddenly hurts. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Bai Yeyuan was still worried, but his eyes became a little more complicated because of Xiao Ning's words, and his tone also carried an unusual meaning: "Wrong posture?"

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