Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3114 Bai Yeyuan is facing a crisis!

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Xiao Ning thought angrily.

When Zhou Mi measured her blood pressure, she looked up at her in surprise: "Miss Ning Ning, why is your blood pressure so high?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

Can your blood pressure not be high if you are angry with a stinky man?

She drank a large glass of hot water, calmed down her mood, and measured again. It was finally normal.

Thinking that she should not punish herself with other people's mistakes, Xiao Ning tried to remain calm during the next examination, which included measuring abdominal circumference, fetal movement, and blood tests...

One inspection after another was finally completed.

Professor Zhou was a little confused: "Miss Ning Ning, Mr. Bai said that your pubic symphysis was separated and it hurt a lot, but I think it's fine. Did he make something wrong?"

Xiao Ning: "Ignore him, just say that it is true. Save him from excessive energy!"

Zhou Mi was someone who had been here before, so she understood immediately.

He smiled and said, "Okay. I will tell him to pay attention to moderation."

This time, it was Xiao Ning who blushed a little.

Zhou Mi also gave many instructions on what to pay attention to in terms of diet and life in the later stages of pregnancy, and made a new meal menu for pregnant women before leaving: "The blood test results are not that fast. I will send you the blood analysis report later."


After sending Professor Zhou away, Xiao Ning had no fun staying alone in the hotel. She asked Ye Si to drive and still sent her to the library to spend time.

She has been coming to the National Library of Italy a lot recently, and she has almost become emotionally attached to this place.

Passing by the collection of treasures and books, she couldn't help but smile knowingly when she saw the place where she had argued with the fat old Italian man yesterday.

Thanks to that old man, otherwise she would not have been inspired to organize the environmental issues along the Mediterranean coast more clearly and logically.

However, that day, she stayed in the library for a whole day and never saw the old man again...

She didn't know that the old man was currently wearing a strict and solemn chief justice's uniform, sitting in the Italian court!

in court.

Bai Yeyuan and the plaintiff's troops have all arrived.

Because the people of the Silver Leopard Mercenary Group were manipulating the situation secretly and it was not convenient for them to show up, the person sent to appear in court at this moment was the entrusted Italian lawyer.

The Italian lawyer was full of confidence and thought that the evidence in his hand was ironclad, so he appeared in court with a different energy and attitude. He held his head high and looked down upon Bai Yeyuan and this group of businessmen from the East.

He presented evidence to the court and asked the justice to declare in court that all Bai Yeyuan's pharmaceutical factories must be closed, withdrawn from Italy, and prohibited from doing business in Italy for life.

His request sounds excessive, but if it really violates Italian environmental protection laws, the most serious sentence may be this result.

Italian law is actually quite strict in punishing businessmen for committing crimes and protecting the environment.

The charges faced by Bai Yeyuan can be said to be very harsh!

Bai Yeyuan's legal team worked hard for two days and nights to prepare the defense, but encountered difficulties and refutations from the other party in court.

Because no matter how they defend themselves, the other party has one point: their pharmaceutical factory does produce drugs that cause pollution and discharges them into seawater.

There is no doubt about this.

Justice Anthony listened carefully to the arguments of both sides, constantly flipping through the case files, and thinking about his thoughts after coming into contact with this case these days.

All the evidence clearly points to Bai Yeyuan's team committing the crime, but involuntarily, an analysis of what the Oriental girl he accidentally bumped into in the library yesterday said to him appeared in his mind.

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