Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3120: I have never seen a man who loves women so well!

? The plaintiff’s Italian lawyer stumbled up, holding the thick pile of information, wishing he could put his eyes on it to see clearly.

He looked at it carefully several times, his feet were numb when he stood, and then he suddenly realized: "So that's it, it turned out to be an oil transportation leak... Then the data we tested for Bai's sewage discharge was also inaccurate... No wonder Bai's has no Sin, this lawyer is so powerful, how could he think of using such a defense angle to pull out the government's responsibility...I give up! I give up!"

The swarming media originally planned to report gossipy financial news about foreign companies taking legal action in Italy. Instead, what they saw was a scene of their own country's lawyers crazily praising the imperial lawyers.

They were a little confused.

They were speechless until they read the defense statement.

I see……

I see……

Everyone who read the defense statement was convinced.

After reacting, they began to frantically chase Bai Yeyuan's legal team, wanting to interview them about how they defended so successfully.

Bai Yeyuan's lawyers looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

No one is embarrassed to say that this is their own handiwork.

Someone quietly pointed at Ye Yi: "This gentleman brought it..."

Yoruichi was surrounded by crazy reporters again.

However, Yoruichi looks like a bodyguard at first glance!

Ye Yi, who had no experience in dealing with reporters, was sweating profusely and cast a look for help at the CEO in the distance.

Bai Yeyuan was in a good mood and raised his voice calmly: "Thanks to the fair trial of the Italian court, Bai is not guilty, and Bai's Group has always been full of social responsibility. Therefore, on behalf of Bai, I announce another tens of billions of investments in the Mediterranean coast, not limited to medicine." Careers, including public welfare undertakings, especially the construction of parent-child vacation bases for women and children..."

Wow, tens of billions of investments!


Construction of parent-child vacation base!

Every sentence was full of explosive points, which made the reporters extremely excited.

Suddenly no one was around Yoruichi.

Everyone was busy recording the CEO's domineering and bold declaration.

Yoruichi wiped his sweat and muttered in a low voice: "The president is doing this for Miss Ning Ning and the little baby in her belly. He wants to drive the coastal resort from the empire to the Mediterranean... I have never seen such a pampering person." Women’s…”

He is so pampered that he is sprinkled with dog food every moment!

But those reporters didn’t know that they were being fed dog food, alas!

Bai's case was unexpectedly won, and not only did he win a big victory, but he also got a wave of free advertising.

Bai Yeyuan was in a very good mood when he returned to the hotel.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ning was not in the room and could not share the joy with him immediately.

"Where did the little thing go?"

Yoruichi: "I heard that Yesi escorted her out. She should be... in the library."

Bai Yeyuan: "Let's go! Go to the library."

He was going to the library to catch the little thing and give her, this great hero, a good kiss.

He was resolutely preparing to go out again.

Zhou Mi came with the prenatal checkup report.

"Young Master Bai, the results of Ms. Ningning's prenatal checkup this morning, including the blood analysis results, have been completely released. Do you want to take a look at them?"

Bai Yeyuan paused.

He always pays close attention to prenatal check-up reports: "Bring them here."

I asked casually: "Has she seen it?"

Zhou Mi: "Miss Ning Ning has seen all the other projects, but she hasn't seen the blood analysis."

Bai Yeyuan flipped through the data one by one. He kept every data in mind and compared it in detail with the physical data of Xiao Ning in the past six months stored in his mind.

Is it higher or lower.

Is it healthy or dangerous...

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! ] I want to talk about "Dear Chief Sir" with more like-minded people, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, talk about life, and find close friends~

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