Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3122 1. Breaking news!

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Bai Yeyuan closed his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Is there any room for maneuver?"

Zhou Mi: "A decision must be made within a week at most. Otherwise, the child will be will be more difficult to fight, and it will cause greater harm to the body of the pregnant woman."

It's a bit late now. At six months, the child has already taken shape.

It is a little thing with beards and tail, gradually awakening its own consciousness.

Bai Yeyuan's face was stiff: "You can retest her tonight. I will notify you of the results within a week."

Zhou Mi nodded.

This decision should be difficult to make, right?

She completely understood the pain of Bai Yeyuan becoming a father for the first time and encountering such a thing.

"Then I'll come back later."

After Zhou Mi left, Ye Yi came in and asked Bai Yeyuan: "President, do you still want to go to the library to find Miss Ning Ning?"

Bai Yeyuan waved his hand tiredly: "It's rare for her to go out to play. You go and meet Ye Si to strengthen the security."

"Huh? Then you... don't want to go?"

Ye Yi was a little confused. Why did the CEO's whole aura feel a little different after meeting Dr. Zhou?

The joy of just winning the lawsuit seemed to have disappeared.

Bai Yeyuan didn't answer him, turned around and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass of the balcony, silent.

Ye Yi stood blankly for a while, understanding that the president would not go, and then gently walked away.


National Library of Italy.

Xiao Ning flipped through the book boredly.

I don’t know why, even my favorite law book seems so lifeless and boring now.

Ye Si has been following her silently.

Compared with the joking and relaxed Yoruichi, Yesi is much calmer and silent.


If he doesn't speak, it will be bombshell news.

"Miss, the president's lawsuit has been won."

When Xiao Ning heard Ye Si's report, she immediately became alert. The look in her eyes was different. She turned around and looked at Ye Si fiercely: "Really? Is this the exact news?"

Ye Si nodded: "Yes. The news will come out soon."

Xiao Ning took a deep breath: "Didn't you say that the chief judge is very stubborn?"

Ye Si wriggled his lower lip but said nothing.

He will never express opinions or guesses easily about things he doesn't know.

Xiao Ning's enthusiasm gradually dropped, and she said to herself: "Yes, Liu Rushi helped him go through the back door. No matter how stubborn the judge is, I'm afraid he will change his attitude. Unexpectedly, Liu Rushi is his good wife …”

His tone could not conceal his loneliness.

Knowing that Bai Yeyuan won the lawsuit, a big stone fell in her heart.

But, I don’t know why, but somewhere in my heart is still dull, as if there is still a big stone pressing down on me!

She simply put down the law book and went directly to the easy-to-understand science section for children and pregnant women to read parent-child books.

As a result, she casually flipped through several picture books on common diseases of pregnant women.

Turning over a page, it read, "Chest tightness may be caused by the fetus compressing the heart, or it may be a hidden heart disease. You should go to the hospital to check whether you have congenital heart disease or acquired cardiac insufficiency..."

Xiao Ning pressed her aching heart and felt it hurt even more.

Turning another page, there were pictures inside, indicating the various pimples that suddenly popped up on the face, representing which parts of the body the patients were suffering from.

Xiao Ning took a look and said, "Acne on the left side of the face means that the liver function is damaged and contains toxins; acne on the nose means that the ovarian function or reproductive system is damaged..."

God, she happened to have a small pimple on her face and nose today - you know she has never had pimples before.

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