Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3128: A cold man, how terrible it is to warm up

? This night, what surprised Xiao Ning was not just the gentle touch from the man when she entered the door.

This night, Xiao Ning really saw how scary a cold man can be when he warms up.

Bai Yeyuan personally carried her to the bathroom, adjusted the water temperature for her, and waited for her to take a bath the whole time.

It's a real bath.

It's not like before, where he used his hands to take a bath and pushed her down in the bathtub to bully her.

I washed her, wrapped her in a bath towel, carried her to the bed and sat down, put her into a bathrobe and wrapped her in a quilt.

Everything is fine, but there is still something wrong: "Uncle, my hair is still wet..."


The man responded calmly, turned around and took out the hair dryer from the bathroom.

First, he tested the temperature with his own hands, and then carefully dried her hair.

While blowing, he repeatedly said: "If you get burned, tell me."

After a while, he said again: "If it hurts your hair, tell me."

Xiao Ning: "...!"

Even the guy at the hair salon is not so attentive, okay? !

Did Bai Yeyuan change souls with someone tonight?

She raised her head and glanced at the man suspiciously.

The man was blow-drying her hair with concentration. Because her hair was long, he was afraid that the comb would hurt her, so he combed it with his slender fingers, passed it through the hair, lifted up the long hair, and blew it strand by strand.

Really... so attentive.

You put so much effort into blow-drying your hair, what else needs to be said.

Xiao Ning nestled in his arms, no longer thinking about it, just enjoying it lazily.

"Uncle, thank you."

Bai Yeyuan paused when he heard this: "Why are you thanking me? In today's case, without your additional evidence, I am in prison now, and no one will dry your hair."

Xiao Ning smiled: "You also know, huh,

Then you still won’t let me attend the trial, you big bad guy. I think you just don’t trust me in your bones and don’t want me to go. "

Bai Yeyuan sighed slightly: "It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't want you to be a pregnant woman and have to go to a place like the court with a full belly. There are so many reporters, what should I do if I push you?"

Xiao Ning nuzzled into his arms. It was rare for Bai Yeyuan, a big iceberg, to take the initiative to explain his motives and considerations for doing things. She really couldn't bear it for a second and forgave him: "Okay, I I don't really blame you. I also want to thank you for not agreeing to Liu Rushi's request."

Bai Yeyuan raised his eyebrows: "What does she want?"

Xiao Ning pouted: "Little uncle, it's already this time, can you stop pretending to me? I knew Liu Rushi had come to you, she wanted you to listen to her, and then she went to her uncle's back door and gave it to you. Try to win the case, right?”

Bai Yeyuan's Adam's apple rolled, and he nodded in acquiescence.

Xiao Ning smiled: "Anyway, you didn't agree to her, and you didn't do anything wrong. Why didn't you tell me that she had approached you, and why didn't you tell me that you actually rejected her?"

Bai Yeyuan: "I don't want you to think too much about irrelevant people."

Xiao Ning pouted: "I won't think too much! If you don't say anything, I will think about it. Huh, next time she comes to find you secretly, you must be honest and lenient. No matter what you say, you must do it. Tell me one-five-ten."

She is like a little wife who gets angry easily for other women, trying to establish authority for her husband.

But Bai Yeyuan promised her everything: "Okay."

Xiao Ning felt that he agreed too happily.

Since when did this man become so easy to talk to? If you want to chat about "Dear Chief Sir" with more like-minded people, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to chat about life and find close friends~

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