Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3139 It turns out that the man she was on a blind date with was him!

Chapter 3141 It turns out that the man she was on a blind date with was him!

Xiao Ning used cold water to wash away the tears on her face, and for the first time, she even put on light makeup using cosmetics specially designed for pregnant women.

The overall color looks good, perfectly covering up the sad and disappointed color of her skin.

She held her bag and went out as if nothing had happened. She went directly to the conference room and asked Bai Yeyuan to come out. She said that she wanted to go out to relax and asked Bai Yeyuan to find someone to accompany her.

Bai Yeyuan knew that she was bored staying in the hotel, so he was happy for her to go out to relax, so he ordered Ye Yi to escort her with a group of bodyguards.

She walked around the street casually and then called Anthony.

Anthony was so happy when he heard she was coming!

"Come on, come on, I'm preparing a garden dance today. Many friends are here. My chef's skills are very good. There is also a chef brought by a friend who specializes in making your empire's roasted whole lamb on site. By the way, the taste is quite good. Especially, it is roasted with lemongrass, which will surprise you..."

Xiao Ning listened to Anthony's enthusiastic chatter on the phone and thought, OK, the more people the better, the easier it will be to escape...

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Ye Yi knew that Anthony recognized Xiao Ning as his daughter, and he also reported this matter to Bai Yeyuan.

Bai Yeyuan's reaction was of course his usual scorn: "That old guy has the nerve to take advantage of my seniority! He's not serious!"

However, for the sake of Xiao Ning's happiness, Bai Yeyuan did not stop Xiao Ning from interacting with Anthony.

Therefore, Ye Yi reported the upcoming itinerary to Bai Yeyuan who was in a meeting as usual, and then continued to escort Xiao Ning.

When Xiao Ning rushed to Justice Anthony's house, she really understood what the so-called "garden dance" was.

Anthony’s garden is really huge!

He comes from an old Italian aristocratic family. The Anthony family's manor is like a castle in a fairy tale, and the so-called "garden" is almost like a city park in the empire!

It takes ten minutes to drive in.

You might even get lost if you walk!

Xiao Ning clicked her tongue,

There was no one else in this scene. The godfather she recognized was not an ordinary person.

When he arrived at the gate of the castle, Anthony went out to greet him personally: "Ningning, you are finally here. It seems that my old man's decision was right. I said that a party must last three days and three nights to be a truly interesting party. You see, If I only hold it for one day, I can’t wait for you to come and play today!”

Xiao Ning was ashamed: "..."

Are you really the chief judge, aren't you an old naughty boy who talks about "playing, playing, playing" all day long?

Anthony held her hand and walked inside, while politely greeting her bodyguards: "Come on, come on, let's play together. You go to barbecue first. The roasted whole lamb over there has just come out of the oven. Young people, you can eat more." ! I also want to take Ning Ning to meet someone..."

Yoruichi and the bodyguards looked at each other.

Although the smell of mutton tempted them, they still followed Xiao Ning faithfully, not far or near, for fear that in such a chatty place, the young lady would make some mistakes.

Anthony pulled Xiao Ning through the singing and dancing guests, through the beautiful back garden, and all the way to a quiet lake behind the castle.

The lake water was as clear as blue waves, and the sunlight shone in tiny pieces. In the light golden light, a tall and tall figure stood by the lake with his back to them.

The man held a completely black oboe in his hand, and was playing an elegy in a deep voice as if there was no one else around.

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