Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3143 Protecting my wife

Chapter 3145 Protecting my wife

Xiao Ning nodded solemnly.

Fu Qingyun wiped off the sauce with a piece of meat and handed it to Xiao Ning: "Let me do it."

Outsiders sounded like they thought he was being asked to cut mutton, but only Xiao Ning understood that Fu Qingyun was preparing to take over this hot potato!

Help her get rid of Ye Yi and others.

Xiao Ning suddenly held her breath!

She never imagined that Fu Qingyun would be the one who finally helped her escape from Bai Yeyuan.

If her uncle found out that she had colluded with Fu Qingyun to escape, he would probably be furious.

However, she couldn't care less.

Once she went back to Bai Yeyuan, she would have to be vigilant day and night for him to give her abortion pills. She and Xiaomi Li'er were scared to death even if they were frightened.

She would have to avoid him for a while, at least until the baby was born.

When the baby is born, can he still deny the child?

Xiao Ning thought to herself and acquiesced to Fu Qingyun's proposal.

Next, Fu Qingyun really cut the mutton honestly and did not write any more.

When he asked the waiter to bring juice to Xiao Ning, he whispered something in Italian, but Xiao Ning didn't hear it clearly.

But it didn't take long.

She discovered Fu Qingyun's power.

Yoruichi and the others only drank some low-alcohol wine and water, and didn't even eat the mutton. They just kept waiting.

Not long after, the bodyguards were confused and began to go to the toilet one after another.

It's not diarrhea, it's just that I feel like I have to urinate very quickly, as if I'm having diarrhea.

Xiao Ning gradually figured out the secret - this was Fu Qingyun's handiwork.

He must have spiked Yoruichi's drinks to make them careless so that she could slip away.


When Ye Yi also went to the toilet and several other bodyguards held their stomachs and endured, Fu Qingyun wrote again with a knife and fork: "Follow me."

As he said that, he naturally took Xiao Ning's arm and said to the person next to him as if nothing had happened: "I'll take her to toast an old friend. She'll be back soon."

Xiao Ning couldn't believe that everything went so smoothly!

Fu Qingyun's golden toad escape plan really worked.

But she also knew that Yoruichi and the others were not vegetarians and would react quickly and not let her have too much time to leave.

"Where are you going?" Fu Qingyun lowered his eyes and asked her.

Xiao Ning didn't have time to think: "I haven't thought about it yet..."

Just leave Bai Yeyuan, no matter where it is.

Fu Qingyun pondered and quickened his pace: "I will take you to the embassy. There are my people there and they are protected by government troops. No one else can get in. You will return to the empire tonight on my special plane. Or to other countries, do you want to It’s okay to go, I’ll ask the embassy to apply for a passport for you immediately.”

He was so decisive in making decisions and so meticulous in handling things. Even details such as the passport were taken into consideration for her.

He is a real man of action.

Xiao Ning felt a little moved and a little guilty: "I'm afraid this will bring you trouble..."

Fu Qingyun twitched the corners of his lips slightly: "It won't be troublesome. If I can't handle this, how will I protect my wife in the future?"

God knows, he wishes she could trouble him every day!

Xiao Ning smiled awkwardly.

For some reason, Fu Qingyun's words "wife" made her a little uneasy.

Did she cross the line when she asked Fu Qingyun for help?

Seeing her hesitation, Fu Qingyun quickly added in a low voice: "Miss Ningning, actually you don't know that you are also helping me. If you leave Bai Yeyuan, he will definitely be confused. And my case requires him. Only when you are in a state of chaos can you reveal your flaws and seize the biggest advantage in his business. So, you are helping me. You are welcome."

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! The flu is raging, and today I suddenly had a high fever of 40 degrees, and even though I was as strong as I was, I collapsed. I persisted in writing three thousand words, but I really couldn’t write anymore. I bow and apologize to the fairies. I’ll try to make up for it if the fever subsides tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! Fairies must also take care of themselves, take care of them, take care of them! 】

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