Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3152 The remaining half of the truth [must read]

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At this moment, Xiao Ning really wanted to stop Liu Rushi from saying that name.

However, the gentle and delicate voice still came through the phone irresistibly——

"That's Bai Yeyuan, your uncle."

"He saved you."

"Give up on me."

"He watched me being fucked by more than a dozen men without doing anything, but he went to save you."

"I was kidnapped because of him and he took no responsibility for me."

"Tell me, is he a scumbag?"

Xiao Ning was speechless.

Is Bai Yeyuan a scumbag?

She used to think so. When he lost her virginity, when he humiliated her in various ways, and even now when he tricked her into taking medicine... she thought he was a scumbag.

However, if Bai Yeyuan had abandoned his nominal girlfriend and rescued his so-called "niece" who had no blood relationship with him, how could she have the nerve to call Bai Yeyuan a scumbag?

Even though Bai Yeyuan was a scumbag in the world, he was already doting on her, Xiao Ning.

She closed her eyes, and a line of clear tears streaked down her face.

It turns out that her younger uncle gave her more than twenty years of life.

Calculating it this way, if he took away her first night and even tortured her for many years, it wouldn't be considered a big deal, right?

It's just that he wants to take away her child now... she can't accept it yet!

Xiao Ning sobbed silently.

Liu Rushi couldn't hear anything there, but she could guess these old truths, which must have been a big shock to her.

Liu Rushi waited patiently.

She knew this couldn't be rushed.

After a while, Xiao Ning calmed down and said slowly: "It is not our turn to judge whether Bai Yeyuan is a scumbag or not. In the future, someone will put a lid on his coffin and make a final decision after he is a hundred years old.


Liu Rushi raised her eyebrows.

Sure enough, as she expected, Xiao Ning would not betray Bai Yeyuan and think Bai Yeyuan was not good easily.

She pursed her lips and continued to whisper patiently: "Miss Ningning, if you think that I am here to reveal to you what a bad man Bai Yeyuan is, then you are wrong. You don't need to be on guard against me. Heart. Because today, I don’t actually want to tell you what kind of person Bai Yeyuan is, but I want to tell you what kind of person you, Xiao Ning, are.”

Xiao Ning was startled: "What do you mean?"

Can Liu Rushi know herself better than herself?

What an interstellar joke!

Liu Rushi took her time and said calmly: "I just told half of the truth. There is another half that I haven't finished yet."

"Back then, you were not just kidnapped."

"You are still the kidnapper's accomplice. "

One sentence exploded Xiao Ning's nerves again.

"Liu Rushi, are you done yet? Do you think I, Xiao Ning, am so easy to deceive?! Challenge my bottom line once or twice!" Xiao Ning growled.

In contrast, Liu Rushi was much gentler: "Don't be impatient. Don't speak loudly when you are right. Seeing that you reacted so fiercely, I know that you are subconsciously afraid of the truth. But I still think you need to know."

"Back then, you were seduced by the kidnapper with a lollipop, told me where I was, and used the words the kidnapper taught you to go to my company to trick me out, saying that Bai Yeyuan was looking for me, but you They took me to a strange little restaurant, where the kidnappers had designed a trap, and they knocked me unconscious and put me in a sack and transported me away."

"Of course, just to be sure, the kidnappers also took away you, the little guy who has made meritorious deeds."

"They know that you and Bai Yeyuan are not related by blood, and they can't threaten him with you, so when they announced it to the outside world, they only said that they kidnapped me and threatened that Bai Yeyuan must give up the company's interests in exchange for me. If Bai Yeyuan doesn't come, they will I'll play to death and then explode into powder."

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