Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3157: Deal with her in a kind way

Chapter 315 Solve her

"Ah Zhu, we can't be so shady..." Liu Rushi's expression was gentle and kind, "Besides, the methods you mentioned can be easily exposed by Ye Yuan. He is not an ordinary man who uses tricks. You can't hide it from him. If you want to fight with him, you have to be sincere. Only if Xiao Ning truly resists and deals with him will he become truly disheartened."

A Zhu felt worried: "Miss, I don't understand..."

Liu Rushi: "It's actually very simple. We just need to remind her repeatedly."

She quickly wrote a series of numbers on a piece of paper and handed it to A-Zhu: "The next step is up to you. A-Zhu, find a way to avoid Bai Yeyuan's people and put the numbers on this paper Pass it on, and let the Liu family who stay in the empire find a way to repeat this string of numbers where Xiao Ning can see it."

A Zhu looked at the string of numbers in confusion. They were very messy and had no rules. They were not Morse code or anything like that.

What good could this do?

"Miss, are you sure this thing will work?"

Liu Rushi nodded and said with a smile: "Yes. That's enough for us. Conquering the enemy without fighting is the best strategy for a military strategist. Conquering the enemy does not cost us any effort and does not stain our hands with blood. The way to be kind.”

A Zhu was stunned for a moment by what Liu Rushi said, and he admired her from the bottom of his heart: "Okay, Miss, you are still kind-hearted. I will do it right away..."

However, looking at the string of numbers on the paper, she still looked confused.

After Liu Rushi sent A Zhu away, her red lips curled up slightly and she said softly: "Of course you can't see the secret of these numbers. This is the latest powerful upgrade of my hypnosis technique. You don't have to face the hypnotized person." Her eyes can also affect her mind...I will use these numbers to make Xiao Ning completely follow my arrangements..."

Abandon Bai Yeyuan.

Abort Bai Yeyuan's child.

I will never see Bai Yeyuan again for the rest of my life!

Well, she was so kind. She just allowed Xiao Ning to do this, but she didn't let Xiao Ning commit suicide.

Liu Rushi smiled and looked at the phone screen confidently.

She was sure that within a few hours, Xiao Ning would take the initiative to call her again.



Xiangshan Maple Valley Zen Temple.

As soon as Xiao Ning arrived at the temple, she first went to the main hall to burn incense and pray for blessings.

Because she was a member of the Bai family and a pregnant woman, it was inconvenient for her to smell the incense in the main hall for a long time, so she was quickly invited to a separate tea room to rest.

After Xiao Ning drank a glass of warm water, she seemed to mention it casually: "Our old lady from the Bai family is also practicing meditation in the Zen room. Please take me to meet her."

The monk glanced at Ye Yi in embarrassment: "This..."

Yoruichi was also a little worried: "Miss, the old lady has a bad temper. I'm afraid that if you see her, she might bump into you..."

Xiao Ning took a sip of water: "Since I'm here, it's not good if I don't pay her respects. If word spreads, it will be thought that I, Xiao Ning, am ignorant, which will disgrace the Bai family and bring disgrace to my uncle."

Yoruichi thought about it too.

Today is different from the past. The old lady is under house arrest by the eldest young master. It was not that she could be unscrupulous in the Bai family, but now she can't make any trouble no matter what.

Miss Ning Ning wants to take a look, so let’s take a look.

Led by the monk, the group of people came to a separate Zen room in the back mountain.

The mountain breeze is desolate and cold.

Xiao Ning said to Ye, "I'll go in and say hello to her. You wait for me outside."

Ye Yi hesitated for a moment and reluctantly nodded in agreement: "Miss Ning Ning, if the old lady loses her temper, please call me."

Xiao Ning: "Okay."

She took a deep breath, opened the door, and stepped inside.

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