Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3167 The Effect of Hypnosis

No. 31

Xiao Ning's soul was taken away by the string of numbers.

The hot air balloon floats and floats. The string of numbers was dazzling in front of her eyes.

My heart, which had gradually returned to calm, was somehow thrown into confusion by this string of numbers.

There was a voice that seemed to be trying its best to drill into her mind: "Xiao Ning, do you remember what I told you? How could you forget something so important twenty years ago? You can't forget..."

She had a splitting headache, so she had no choice but to say goodbye to Qiu Xinxin: "Niu Bin will come to accompany you later, Xinxin, I have to take a step in advance."

"Ning Ning... don't leave..." Qiu Xinxin was a little disappointed.

She also wanted to gossip about her uncle with Ning Ning. She hadn’t seen her uncle for a long time and missed him very much...

Xiao Ning stumbled out of the hospital.

Yoruichi worriedly helped her get into the car: "Miss, are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? The hospital is crowded and the air is not good. Could it be that you have a cold?"

Xiao Ning waved her hand: "Go home. Quick, drive me back."

Instinct told her that she could never stay outside.

At noon, he drove to Bai's old house in person, dutifully and responsibly.

The strange thing is that the way here went smoothly, but now the way home is completely blocked.

Xiao Ning leaned on the back seat of the car and looked out the window with tired eyes.


From far to near, another hot air balloon floated in the sky. It was exactly the same as the one just now, with the same series of numbers printed on it!

There was more than one, and soon, a large number of the same hot air balloons floated behind, with the same numbers, surrounding the queue of cars on the congested road!

Yoruichi muttered: "Which company's big boss spends so much money on inexplicable balloon advertisements..."

Xiao Ning's eyes were fixed on the floating balloon, and her breathing became more and more rapid.



She finally remembered!

This is Liu Rushi’s phone number.

A combination out of sequence!

The voice reminding her in her mind was Liu Rushi telling her not to forget that twenty years ago, she had a mental illness and killed Liu Rushi; and twenty years later, Bai Yeyuan would never want this from her. A child born to a psychotic woman!

Xiao Ning's calm mind was completely confused.

Her original consciousness was still fighting hard: "No, I want to believe Ye Yuan, I want to wait for Ye Yuan to come back..."

But another, stronger voice, like hot air balloons all over the sky, invaded her mind: "No, you can't trust Bai Yeyuan, he will kill your child. When he comes back, the child in your belly will die. .”

As if being hypnotized, Xiao Ning's will was gradually blocked in a corner of her mind.

Her expression was dull, as if she was a different person, and she coldly ordered Yoruichi: "Stop the car."

Yoruichi turned back in confusion: "Miss, we are on the road now and cannot park. It is very dangerous..."

Xiao Ning: "I asked you to stop the car!"

Ye Yi had no choice but to pull over and park.

When he wanted to get out of the car and open the door for Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning had already opened the door herself and walked out!

Ye was so startled that he didn't even care about the car. He left it on the side of the road and chased Xiao Ning.

Fortunately, Xiao Ning didn't do anything dangerous and just walked along the road blankly.

Ye Yi held her forehead, knowing that pregnant women are more willful, but are they so unconventional and willful?

It was obvious that Miss Ning Ning was very happy in the hospital just now, why did she come out as if she was a different person?

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