Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3181 Two men’s cars passed by each other!

Bai Yeyuan's big palm gently caressed the baby in the air, his eyes full of reluctance. ? female? sheng? novel? netw?

But in the end, I still had to let go of this child.

He stood behind the medical staff and looked through the crowd to Xiao Ning on the operating table.

The girl's face was as pale as paper and the blood stains on her abdomen made his pupils shrink suddenly and his heart hurt uncontrollably.

"Little thing...why doesn't God let me take care of you for a little longer?"

He wished he could hit his head against the wall, die again, and be able to change into Xiao Ning's body like he did just now.

But he knew very well that the exchange of souls between them required very precise conditions.

Heavy rain, thunder, and life-and-death moments are all indispensable.

He finally chose this day, which was destined to rain heavily, and asked Zhou Mi to persuade Xiao Ning to have the baby that night. However, the rain had gradually stabilized, the dark clouds had dispersed, and the thunder could no longer sound.

Even if he crashes into the wall and dies, he still won't be able to change into Xiao Ning's body.

He gave birth to a child for her once, and God ended his mission here.

Seeing Xiao Ning being rescued by medical staff, but there was nothing he could do at this moment, Bai Yeyuan, a man, finally felt a trace of tears in his eyes.

A man doesn't shed tears lightly, just because he hasn't reached the sad point yet!

Zhou Mi, who was rescuing Xiao Ning, finally completed the second suture and stopped the bleeding. She breathed a sigh of relief. When she took off her mask, she felt a cold gaze from behind her focused on her.

Or to be more precise, this line of sight actually passed through her and focused on Xiao Ning.

"Bai..." she exclaimed, then covered her mask.

There were a lot of people talking here, and she didn't want to attract the attention of other doctors and nurses. If someone found out that Bai Yeyuan was hiding in her clinic, Fu Qingyun would come over and arrest her as an accomplice, and maybe treat her. Harboring and harboring fugitives!

She was so frightened that she quickly pulled Bai Yeyuan behind the curtain: "Young Master Bai, why are you out?"

Bai Yeyuan said lazily: "Look at my woman and children."

Zhou Mi held her forehead: "They are all very good.

Do not worry. "

Bai Yeyuan sneered: "Who said that? One has a massive hemorrhage and the other is mentally ill. How do you call this okay?"

Zhou Mi was embarrassed: "Well... you are lucky to be alive. Mr. Bai, please leave quickly. Prosecutor Fu should be here soon. I see that his secretary has already called in the corridor to announce the good news. You'd better stay out of the way." He's better. By the way, didn't you say that you would go abroad after Miss Ningning gives birth to the baby today? "

Bai Yeyuan sneered: "He announced the good news? You really think of yourself as a person. You want to be a cheap father to my Bai Yeyuan's daughter, and you don't even ask me if I agree!"

Zhou Mi helplessly looked at a certain man who was still jealous at such a critical moment. She took a deep breath and said, "Young Master Bai, Miss Ningning will wake up soon. When she wakes up, I'm afraid you will It’s hard to leave…”

Bai Yeyuan was more serious now: "Yes, I understand. When she wakes up, don't tell her about the child's problem."

Zhou Mi: "Ah? Why?"

Bai Yeyuan: "The later you let her know, the better. I will find medicine for her abroad. Remember not to talk nonsense!"

Zhou Mi: "..."

But, does the child’s problem not exist if she doesn’t talk about it?


It’s really hard to understand a man’s brain circuitry!

After Bai Yeyuan warned him, he turned over and climbed out of the back window of the clinic.

Outside, Ye Si drove a car to pick him up.

A low-key Mercedes-Benz car slowly drove out from the clinic...

At the same time, an official car drove in quickly from the clinic gate and passed Bai Yeyuan's car!

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