Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3183 He ran towards her direction!

Bai Yeyuan spoke coldly, without even looking at her: "Don't think that since I'm not in the empire now, you're here to test my bottom line.? w? I told you, Liu Rushi, you are never allowed to enter the empire, you are not allowed to Get close to Xiao Ning and her child, if you turn a deaf ear to my words..."

Bai Yeyuan sneered and said ruthlessly: "No matter how desperate I, Bai Yeyuan, am, I can easily kill you."

Liu Rushi shrank and wrapped her wind robe tightly: "No, Ye Yuan, I definitely have no intention of getting close to Miss Ning Ning. I'm just worried about you... I heard that Fu Qingyun's people have eyes in all directions. Since I can find this place, I'm worried that he will also find this place. So, I prepared another boat for you, hoping that a golden toad can come out of its shell and cover your departure..."

She spoke so affectionately that most people would have been moved.

However, Bai Yeyuan remained expressionless: "I, Bai Yeyuan, never rely on women to escape. I will not take your boat."

Liu Rushi looked embarrassed and disappointed.

Unexpectedly, even though it was a matter of life and death, Bai Yeyuan still refused to have anything to do with her.

Is Xiao Ning's influence on this man so great?

Even though he was thousands of miles away, where Xiao Ning couldn't see her, this man still guarded her chastity for her and didn't even look at other women, let alone have close contact and sit in the same boat.

Liu Rushi had no choice but to grit her teeth and take out her last trump card.

She whispered: "Ye Yuan, I know you don't want to see me now, but I just have good intentions. I not only want to help you, but also want to help your child. I heard that your child has some mental problems..."

Bai Yeyuan's eyes suddenly turned cold!

His eyes seemed to have substance, as if he was grabbing Liu Rushi by the throat, and asked coldly: "What did you say?!"

This woman knows so much!

Liu Rushi was under tremendous pressure and whispered: "Ye Yuan, you know best how serious my illness is, but now I'm almost completely cured after treatment. It turns out that I asked the wrong doctor and trusted Mei too much." Linda. Now I have a royal physician in Italy who is better than Melinda, and the condition has been very well controlled, so I also want to introduce it to you. I believe he can also cure your child. "

Liu Rushi's words hit Bai Yeyuan's weakness.

He doesn't care whether he lives or dies,

But he couldn't ignore Xiao Ning and his child.

How could he bear to let his Bai Dabao be born a child with mental problems?

If the royal physician could really cure Liu Rushi's mental illness, would it be worth trying for Bai Dabao?

Bai Yeyuan pondered.

Liu Rushi was afraid that he would waver, so she quickly urged him: "Ye Yuan, Fu Qingyun's people are coming. You should get on my ship first, and then think about it slowly. If you change your mind when you get to Italy, we will It's okay to go our separate ways... Anyway, I'll listen to you..."

Ye Si looked at Liu Rushi warily, he didn't believe a word of this woman.

However, he did not dare to express his opinions randomly when it related to Miss Ning Ning's child.

Just when Bai Yeyuan was about to make a decision.

A phone call came in.

On the phone, Ye Yi's voice was urgent: "President, something happened to Miss Ning Ning -"

Before I could finish speaking, the phone call was suddenly disconnected!

Bai Yeyuan's breath froze.

Without even thinking for a second, he got into the car and prepared to drive back.

Liu Rushi was anxious.

She had been persuading her for a long time, and Bai Yeyuan was finally ready to consider her suggestion. Xiao Ning just made a casual phone call, and Bai Yeyuan left without saying a word. This stark contrast was so hurtful. People!

"Ye Yuan, don't go! If you don't leave tonight, Fu Qingyun won't let you go! You're throwing yourself into a trap! Ye Yuan, there must be a trap there, don't go back..." She begged. .

However, Bai Yeyuan drove away without knowing it...

Running towards Xiao Ning...

[Master Yun: Good night kiss! 】

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