Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3185 The little baby girl opened an eye slit!

Chief Inspector Fu must have discovered some clues and led people to hunt down Young Master Bai.

As a result, there were gaps in the manpower on both sides, and outsiders took advantage of the gap!

Zhou Mi closed her eyes, knowing that the situation was extremely urgent and dangerous.

As Xiao Ning's attending doctor, how could she bear to watch her patients being harmed by these scum?

She stepped forward again: "This is my patient, she can't stay here. Even if the two countries are at war, both sides have a consensus not to attack the hospital. I don't know what hatred you have, but please respect medicine and respect Patients, respect life..."


A bullet was fired mercilessly.

Hit Zhou Mi's chest.

"I respect you so much!" The man in black who took the lead did not listen to Zhou Mi's advice and directly killed this ignorant woman.

The medical staff were all frightened. They definitely didn't have as deep feelings for Xiao Ning as Zhou Mi did for Xiao Ning. When they saw that the professor had been shot, no one dared to stay in the room for a long time. They carried Zhou Mi's fainted body and evacuated one by one. Got out.

The men in black rushed into the operating room uniformly and took complete control of the place.

Xiao Ning lay motionless on the operating table with her eyes closed, not knowing what was happening outside.

Opposite her, on the nursing table, a newborn baby girl opened a slit for her eyes and looked lazily at the world.

When she found that the dark room was filled with masked men.

She sneered in her heart: Ugly!


When Bai Yeyuan rushed to the clinic, there were also two men coming from different directions.

Fu Qingyun received a report from his subordinates that they found Bai Yeyuan's whereabouts at the dock and sent him the location.

He thought he could catch Bai Yeyuan in time when he boarded the ship, but to his surprise, Bai Yeyuan did not board the ship at all, but turned back to the city!

Fu Qingyun personally followed Bai Yeyuan's route back to the city. Gradually, he discovered that Bai Yeyuan was rushing there in such a hurry.

It was actually the clinic where Xiao Ning gave birth?

Why did Bai Yeyuan go and come back?

Fu Qingyun is puzzled!

We can only continue to follow closely, and at the same time continue to deploy more manpower to surround him, determined to capture Bai Yeyuan near the clinic!

at the same time.

Another man was also running on the road.

He didn't know everything that happened tonight.

Mu Tianyu only occasionally heard Qiu Xinxin talk about it, saying that Xiao Ning seemed to have gone for a prenatal check-up today. The doctor recommended a caesarean section, but he didn't know if she had given birth.

He was restless all day.

Finally, when night fell, we braved the heavy rain and rushed to Zhou Mi's clinic.

However, when he arrived near Zhou Mi Clinic, he hesitated again, fearing that Xiao Ning would refuse to see him and kick him out! For a while, I was afraid of seeing Xiao Ning and didn't know what to say.

However, he hadn't seen Xiao Ning for a long time. When he heard that she had given birth, he was really worried about her.

But the indecision in his character made him more timid the closer he got to her...

He drove like this, wandering in circles on the streets late at night in the rain...


Bai Yeyuan ran all the way and finally arrived at the clinic.

There was no one on the streets in the heavy rain.

It was quiet at the entrance of the clinic, a little too quiet.

Armed with a gun, he jumped out of the car and rushed into the clinic without taking a second to think.

Yoruichi is not a reckless person, especially after experiencing the last explosion in the auditorium, he has become more calm.

If something hadn't really happened to Xiao Ning, he wouldn't have called specifically to report it.


As soon as Bai Yeyuan walked into the clinic hall, he saw Ye Yi lying in a pool of blood.

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