Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3195: I want to make money from milk powder!

The 31st money!

Is she ruthless?

Xiao Ning was startled and her cheeks felt slightly hot.

It turns out that this is how outsiders see her.

Fu Qingyun was kind to her for saving his life and taking him in, but she didn't repay him at all... Thinking about it this way, she was really ignorant and very ruthless.

But how could she marry him?

She was pregnant before marriage and brought her uncle's baby with her. Marrying Fu Qingyun wasn't to repay a favor, but to harm him, right? !

Xiao Ning smiled bitterly, shook her head, and said to her confinement sister, "Sister, don't mention this again, and don't call me Mrs. Fu, thank you."

She didn't explain anything, only stopped her from calling her the confinement nanny, which made the confinement nanny very puzzled. She couldn't help but mumbled in a low voice: "But Mr. Fu has provided money and effort to take care of you so well, and you don't even have a title." Not even giving it to's too cruel..."

Xiao Ning couldn't laugh or cry: "..."

How come the confinement sister-in-law said that she looks like a heartless person!

Although it was impossible for Xiao Ning to do what her confinement nanny said, after her confinement nanny's reminder, the thought lingering in her mind became clearer and clearer -

She has hands and feet, so she can't just sit around and wait for Fu Qingyun to provide money and effort to support her.

Even if she is a friend, she cannot disturb others like this. She has to go out to make money by herself, earn rent, earn milk powder money, and make money to pay for the care Fu Qingyun has given to her during this period of time.

Maybe it's time to go out and take over the case.

After all, she is also a winner of the prestigious award, so there should still be a market and client base for her cases, right?

However, everything is difficult at the beginning.

She doesn't have a law firm affiliated with her, and she has to breastfeed and take care of a baby during confinement, so it's impossible for her to go out every day to run business and do advertising.

So she immediately thought of her friends.

"Niu Bin, have you been busy with the cases at hand recently? Are there any small cases that you don't want to do? Share them with me."

"Ah? You want to handle a case?"


I want to make money from milk powder. "

"Ningning, are you serious?"

"Of course."

"Ningning, you came in too time! How dare I trouble you with a small case? I have a big case here and I'm having a headache. Please help me study it together! We won the lawsuit 50-50!"

Xiao Ning smiled: "Okay."

In the afternoon, Niu Bin came to the door in person holding the case file.

Although knowing that Xiao Ning had a child was a huge blow to him, he thought about it again, what would happen if he had a child? Anyway, I don’t know who the child’s father is yet. As long as it’s not Fu Qingyun’s big-tailed wolf, Niu Bin doesn’t care!

Most people have never had the opportunity to be so close to Ning Ning.

He was studying the case with Xiao Ning with great interest, until his confinement sister-in-law was dissatisfied and said, "Sir, you can't let your wife be so tired. She needs to rest!"

Niu Bincai scratched his head in embarrassment: "Ning Ning, please read the case file slowly. Don't be anxious. This case won't go to court in a few days..."

Xiao Ning said seriously without raising her head: "You must do enough homework before the trial. How many days? It doesn't take long. All applicable laws must be prepared and related laws must be checked to prevent the trial from happening. Sometimes the other party throws new questions, and we can't answer them..."

Seeing Xiao Ning taking the case so seriously, Niu Bin felt a little ashamed and moved.

Not just anyone can win the Fengyun Award.

Xiao Ning really deserves the first place. Based on her attitude towards the law and case files, this award should be hers.


Niu Bin suddenly remembered something: "Ning Ning, you don't have to work so hard at all."

"I want to make money for milk powder." Xiao Ning said casually without looking up, continuing to immerse herself in the case files.

Ushi Bin: "No, you are not short of money!"

"How do you say this?" Xiao Ning finally raised her head and asked in confusion.

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