Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3414: Crying again and again in bed

Chapter 341 Cry again

Not necessarily.

She just saw the woman's high heels.

Whether it was a woman or a pillow under the covers was an unsolved mystery.

What's more, Boss Ye looked pale at that time, as if he was seriously ill.

Now that I think about it, it's probably that my uncle was recovering from some medical operation.

How easily could she be angered and coaxed, so that she suddenly believed that Boss Ye was messing with women... and slammed the door and left?

the fourth time……

the fifth time……

Lying on the bed at this moment, quietly recalling every time they met in the moonlight, they were so subtle and full of meaning.

The way he stared at her was so complicated and profound, but she didn't care at all.

Especially that time, in the heavy rain, he fell on the street with no one around him.

She rescued him and took care of him.

And then that time they did it... in the bathroom.

She clearly remembered that when he took her to the top, he begged her - "divorce" and "marry me".

Is that the true expression of my uncle's feelings?

He must have had his own ideas and arrangements in opposing her and grabbing business. He was trying to confuse someone and plan something big.

In fact, in his heart, he has never forgotten her!

And his attitude towards Xiao Lili explains everything even more.

With such pampering, I really didn't expect Bai Yeyuan to be a daughter slave.

Xiao Ning cried and cried under the quilt. Thinking of something, her tears turned into laughter again.

If anyone saw her expression at this moment, they would definitely think she was crazy.

Xiao Ning was filled with tears as she recalled the scenes with Bai Yeyuan over and over again.

I really had the urge to run to Bai Yeyuan's room in the middle of the night, wake him up, and ask him why he didn't tell her his true identity...

But he finally endured it.

My uncle must have a reason for doing this.

And she was willing to wait.

She must marry him anyway.

Must get married!

It's a good thing that he doesn't disclose his identity. She, Xiao Ning, can finally marry him openly.

On the contrary, if once the world knew that he was Bai Yeyuan, they would not be able to get married.

How can there be any reason for an uncle to marry his niece?

This is not allowed by the secular world and the law.

She suddenly felt that she had to thank Boss Ye for his false identity, which could make her love for him come true and lead to marriage.



Xiao Ning's heart was surging, and in the end, she fell into a deep sleep with gratitude to the world and the Lord God.

No matter how many hardships fate gave her, in the end, her beloved man was still given back to her.

Really, very grateful.


That night, Bai Yeyuan was also tossing and turning.

After Xiao Ning left.

The vaguely familiar aroma in the room lingers in the nostrils, damn tempting!

Bai Yeyuan regretted ten thousand times that he should have kept her just now.

Although the little grains are there.

However, children always have to sleep.

When the children fall asleep, they can do whatever they want.

Just do it the same way you did in the hospital that night, right?

I feel very regretful just thinking about it.

At this moment, I can only rely on imagination to enjoy it...


You can also look at the photo and miss her!

Bai Yeyuan reached out and touched the pocket of his close-fitting shirt.

He usually puts a small photo of Xiao Ning there from twenty years ago.

But, this time... I actually didn't touch it after touching it for a long time!

what's the situation? !

Bai Yeyuan suddenly lost his composure.

He sat up, took off his clothes, and turned them inside out. Nothing!

How can this be?

When he traveled across the ocean and almost drowned in the sea, he kept her photo carefully. How could it suddenly disappear now?

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