Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3417 She is bleeding...

Chapter 341

In such a sleepless night, many things quietly changed.

Wake up early in the morning.

Xiao Ning felt sore all over.

Although she had been tired all day long after hosting a family gathering yesterday, she couldn't be so useless, could she? She was so tired?

Thinking that there would be several days of gatherings, blessing ceremonies, business cooperation meetings, and internal equity transactions... Xiao Ning's head got big.

This annual family gathering was organized by Bai Yeyuan in previous years.

However, I have never seen him cry tired before.

It should be said that this man has never cried tired.

He could always work with all his strength, and then bully her with vigor when he came home.

He's just a super energetic guy.

Xiao Ning shook her head helplessly and got up. She really didn't do the job he had done. She didn't know how hard the man worked, nor how powerful he was.

After getting up and washing up, she suddenly felt some discomfort in her lower abdomen.

But because she had to attend the breakfast party, she still had to walk over.

At the breakfast party, everyone continued to excitedly discuss the topics they had not finished talking about yesterday.

There are exciting clips leaked from Yun Xiaoqiao's new movie, Bai's project plans for this year, and of course, the hottest topic is when will the wedding of Chairman Xiao and President Ye be held.

"This is just an engagement. I wonder when the wedding ceremony will be?"

"It would be great if the family gathering can be held next year, so that I can still participate! Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time..."

"Oh, I think it would be better if we get married directly this time! Wouldn't it be more gratifying for us if the happy event is settled early?"

"That's right, after all, the engagement is not formal enough. If we get married directly, it will definitely be big news in the empire's business community and cause a sensation across the country. Thinking about it, we, the Bai family, are really powerful!"

Listening to everyone's discussion,

Xiao Ning's heart was touched.

Yes, why not just get married?

There is still uncertainty about the engagement. If she gets married, her uncle will be hers and no one can change it.

Her mind moved and she whispered a few words to her secretary.

The secretary announced on her behalf: "What our chairman will hold the day after tomorrow is either an engagement ceremony or a wedding ceremony. You heard it wrong yesterday. Everyone just happened to catch the happy event this time, so there is no need to go through it a second time!"

Everyone was really happy after hearing this.

Some people deliberately joked playfully: "But if we have a baby soon, we will go out for a second time and drink full moon wine!"

"Hahahaha, right!" Everyone laughed happily together.

This atmosphere also infected Xiao Ning.

She couldn't help but stroke her belly.

She had sex with Bai Yeyuan three times recently.

Every time he used no contraceptive measures as always, could it be...?

Of course it would be great if you have one, and you can also give Xiao Lili an extra companion.

Who knows.

Bai Yeyuan became a little more solemn when he heard this.

His eyes seemed to glance over Xiao Ning's belly.

He and Xiao Ning had slightly different thoughts at the moment.

He felt heavy when he thought of how hard and frightened Xiao Ning had been during those days when she was pregnant with Xiao Lili.

He never wanted her to go through that hardship again.


He whispered to the secretary beside him: "Come down the mountain and buy me a dozen condoms."

A man who has never used a condom to do bad things in his life, for the first time, took the initiative to buy a condom...


Then he warned: "Try to buy the ultra-thin kind!"

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