Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3425: The final test, she doesn’t want to lose! 【Must see】

Chapter 3427 The final test, she doesn’t want to lose! 【Must see】

The Zen temple was filled with joy.

Happy words were posted everywhere.

It was originally a place for Qing Dynasty, but because of Bai's long-term support to the Zen temple, he was extra generous and allowed an internal wedding to be held here.

The secretary was busy and led the staff to organize things. Since Xiao Ning could not be found, he simply asked Bai Yeyuan for instructions later.

Bai Yeyuan is very attentive, so meticulous that he even personally guides the layout of the menu.

The wedding invitation was also written by him in small regular script with a brush.

When he thought about being able to marry Ning Ning tomorrow, he felt so happy that he couldn't be happier.

"President Ye, how many people would you like to sit at the main table?" The secretary was arranging seats and asked the groom for instructions in detail.

Just as Bai Yeyuan was about to answer, a text message popped up on his phone: "Come to the back garden and talk to me."

Xiao Ning’s text message.

Bai Yeyuan's eyelids twitched and his lips were slightly raised.

The little wife finally couldn't help but want to see him, right?

Just about to leave.

The secretary suddenly reminded in a low voice: "President Ye, according to imperial custom, it is best not for the groom and the bride to meet each other 24 hours before the wedding! It is already past noon..."

The auspicious time for the wedding is tomorrow at noon.

Counting now, it’s been less than 24 hours...

Bai Yeyuan pondered for a moment, then waved his hand: "It doesn't matter!"

It’s important to meet your little wife.

Any other customs, rules or sayings, it doesn’t matter!

He insisted on walking to the back garden in his wheelchair.

The secretary and staff all covered their lips from behind and sighed: "President Ye really puts the chairman in the palm of his hand and loves him... I'm so envious!"

back yard.

Xiao Ning sat on the swing, looking lonely.

The man approached her gently and held her waist from behind: "Why did you lose weight again after just one night?"

Xiao Ning moved uncomfortably: "How can it be so exaggerated?"

Bai Yeyuan thought to himself, I touched your waist yesterday, so of course I know you well.

He pushed the swing gently: "Don't just lie down during menstruation. Proper exercise can help activate blood circulation and remove blood clots. You can go out for a walk, I will accompany you."

Xiao Ning smelled the faint scent of medicine on the man's body and listened to the man's familiar voice. The man's words "get out" in the video tape came to mind again!

The person in the videotape is really him...

Regardless of whether Liu Rushi made this call or not, the facts cannot be erased.

How should she face such cruel truth?

They were not an ordinary couple. They would fight each other and go to court as soon as they caught evidence of her husband's cheating. He and she had gone through so much, and he was almost integrated into her flesh and blood. How could she just let him go?

Xiao Ning took a deep breath and spoke softly: "Uncle..."

Bai Yeyuan's body was shaken.

Did she find out?

How did you discover it?

Xiao Ning turned her head and stared at him: "Uncle, tell me the truth. How did you escape from the empire?"

Bai Yeyuan stared deeply in return.

After a while, he pulled her over and held her in his arms.

"I'm back now." He said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about the past."

He didn't want her to know so many heavy past events.

Xiao Ning pressed against his chest and whispered: "Little uncle, you must tell the truth to me. Because this time, I will definitely believe you and will not be influenced by anyone again. Little uncle, can we be honest with each other?" Okay? I don’t want to miss you anymore, misunderstand you, or be separated from you..."

She said, tears falling down.

If this matter was the final test between him and her, she didn't want to lose to fate again!

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