Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3438 Genetic Test Results

Chapter 3440 Genetic Test Results

The atmosphere in the room was very strange and awkward.

There was silence.

After a moment of silence, Bai Yeyuan spoke again and said to Bai Yingxiong: "You said that Ning Ning is the biological child of you and my sister. Show me the evidence."

He is a rigorous thinker and does not fully believe these words.

Bai Yingxiong looked at Bai Shaoyao meaningfully: "Shaoyao, your brother suspects that you have many men."

Bai Shaoyao blushed, lowered his head and said, "No..."

Father Xiao's face turned green next to him.

Damn, bitch!

Bai Yingxiong showed off to Bai Yeyuan, "You see, your sister has only been with me. The daughter she gave birth to is of course mine."

Bai Yeyuan replied indifferently: "There are still in vitro-cultured babies in this world, and women can have children without being in contact with men. Don't be too strange."

Bai Yingxiong trembled angrily: "You——! I've read too many fucking novels like you. Where did you get so many in vitro fertilization babies? Besides, does your sister know whether I have done in vitro fertilization or not?"

Bai Yeyuan remained indifferent: "Get the evidence, otherwise don't try to ruin my wedding with Ning Ning."

An electric current flashed through Xiao Ning's heart.

The man she loves is always so responsible, like a strong mountain, giving her support and warmth.

No matter how big something happens, he will take care of it.

Whether it was her uncle or her brother, she had to admit that this man had always made her admire and be fascinated by him.

Bai Yingxiong gritted his teeth: "I think you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River. Okay, let the doctor come over! Give me and Ning Ning a blood test!"

This is a paternity test.

Everyone in the room looked solemn and nervous.

In order to show fairness, the person who did the blood test was found by Bai Yeyuan.

Bai Yeyuan directly asked the doctor at the Zen Temple's infirmary to draw blood for Xiao Ning and Bai Yingxiong.

But when it came time to send it to the laboratory for paternity test analysis, Bai Yingxiong quit: "Now the blood laboratories in the imperial capital are basically controlled by the Bai family or the Ye family. I'm not worried about you sending it for testing, Bai Yeyuan!" If you tampered with the result, wouldn’t you have deceived me and my daughter?”

Bai Yeyuan said solemnly: "What do you want to do? Do you still want to go abroad? I can't wait for my wedding!"

What's more, if you go abroad, Bai Yingxiong is powerful and may do tricks.

It is really not easy to find someone who can trust both parties.

Bai Yingxiong: "We can all rest assured if there is one person."


"Bai Lang!"

As soon as Bai Lang's name was spoken, Bai Yeyuan acquiesced.

Bai Lang specializes in blood analysis and genetic testing. He even has a private laboratory that can quickly test genetic profiles within an hour.

Moreover, although Bai Lang is a carefree person, there is one thing. In medicine, he will not cheat. In business, he will never fight for power and gain. He has no ambition or greed. The entire Bai family can trust him.

Of course Bai Yeyuan also trusted this younger brother.

Since Bai Yingxiong took the initiative and believed in Bai Lang's words, it was settled.

Two hours later.

The international flight sent the blood of Xiao Ning and Bai Yingxiong abroad to Bailang's location.

Bai Lang is also unreliable. In order to pursue Mr. Ye, he didn't even come to his niece's wedding and family gatherings.

However, when it comes to professional matters, he happily accepts them.

Another hour later, Bai Lang called in person to give the genetic test results: "Ning Ning, whose gene is this? Why does the map look familiar to me? Is it yours? The other one is your father's? How come it matches so well? What? Hey, I said, Ningning, you are really going to get married again. You won’t have any objections if I don’t go back, right? I think it’s your second marriage, the more low-key the better. For a high-profile person like me, I’m afraid it will cause trouble if I go back. What a sensation..."

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